Where there's lots started... and even a few finishes!

Saturday 2 May 2015

modern buzz saw {a finished quilt top}

'fabulously fast quilts' by Amy Smart

I have a finished quilt top to share today! A few hiccoughs putting this together, all my fault not the pattern! My centre block ended up ever-so-slightly bigger than the rest! Don't ask me how, but I unpicked carefully, checked my sizes, trimmed a teeny tiny bit, sewed again, and thankfully it was all good! But then, it was touch & go with the final cream border fabric, there are a few joins but I can live with that! These blocks are big, finished 17" square! The pattern calls for 12 blocks but I only made the nine and, as you can see, it fits the top of a queen sized bed! Linking into tgiff here ... does a finished quilt top count?!?

my tip of the day#1  
I have learnt when using mainly all creams for the background 
adding a little bit of white seems to achieve that extra sparkle!  


  1. Hi Linda this quilt is gorgeous! I really like your fabrics, especially the background fabric on the blue blocks. I find that large blocks are fast, but it's sometimes a little difficult to be as accurate. Maybe that's just me, though....I drive my sewing machine like other people drive cars: way too fast. Somehow I manage to drive my car just under the speed limit.

    You asked about the fidget quilt size: I've made five, all different sizes but I stick to about 14 X 16 or fairly close to that. The idea is that they easily fit on a lap without too much spilling over. I want them to be just big enough to draw attention but not so big that they get in the way or fall off of laps easily. (Imagine the frustration of wanting something and not being able to reach it or ask for it.)

  2. Beautiful quilt, lovely fabrics :-)

  3. Woohoo well done! It is gorgeous - and thanks for the tip about the bit of white - never thought of that before!


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