Where there's lots started... and even a few finishes!

Friday 1 May 2015

they say patience is a virtue

2015 FAL at On the Windy Side

finish #5
This week I had a lovely bit of exciting news - I was one of the winners in the 2015 Finish-Along Q1 hosted by Adrianne from On the Windy Side, see here for details. It's a surprise prize... waiting patiently for the post now!

I've also been plugging away making a few more blocks for my Modern Buzz Saw quilt. I have almost finished all the blocks, can't wait to get it all together! 

I made this peachy donation quilt a while back, a little exercise in using many different variations of the one colour. It's scrappy, with lots of peachy themed fabrics from my stash, shouldn't be too hard to pick the binding, yes? Well, it's taken me simply ages to decide on the right fabric for the binding ... and when I finally decided on this particular one, would you believe it, I didn't have enough! So it's ordered and I'm waiting patiently, again! Linking into 'oh scrap' here
Oh and Linda aka the Razzle Dazzle quilter has just let me know my Moda Building Blocks quilt is all quilted and being couriered back to me!  Waiting, waiting waiting...but lots to show you ... soon!

EDIT: ha,ha but you know the other thing they say... 'good things come to those that wait'! My long awaited bundle of Gardenvale fat quarters arrived late this afternoon, can't wait to have a closer look!

Have a great weekend! 


  1. Lucky you!! Let us all know what your surprise win is when you receive the package.
    Like the soft colour of the star/9 patch quilt.

    1. Thank you! Over the years I've tried to use those orange-y Kaffe Fassett fabrics, but I find some prints quite overwhelming, their large scale and all the vibrant colour can be tricky to work with! So, narrowing it down this time to one colour was a great start! Have a good weekend, Linda

  2. Your peach quilt looks very pretty...and that's a nice block...saw blocks...not that i have done it ! :)

  3. So much news in one post!

    Congrats on the win. Love the look of the peach quilt. Can't wait to see the Moda Modern one ... hint, hint, Monday night!

  4. How fun and exciting for it to be a surprise - congrats! Love the peachy quilt!

  5. Congrats on the win - love getting exciting mail - enjoy.

  6. Congrats on the win! I signed up for the second quarter. So fun to get things finished.

  7. I agree, the peach quilt is quite lovely! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  8. Both quilts are appealing. The modern buzz saw is cute (and I love the varied scraps) and the peachy one is adorable, and I love the color controlled scraps. Both approaches to scraps work well.


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