Where there's lots started... and even a few finishes!

Sunday 12 May 2013

I blame the fabric

The "master plan" was to have a few projects in mind & a fabric stash all ready for when I retire & am not getting an income any more (!!!),  but they keep on bringing out new fabric collections!!!!!   So I keep sewing!!!!
Patchwork fabrics are certainly much more glorious & diverse than years ago and even with this very simple quilt layout, the end result will please one certain person I know that for sure!!!!  I have used a combination of Denyse Schmidt fabrics, old & new, along with matching solids & it all co - ordinates with a larger piece of Valorie Wells/ FreeSpirit that I had & will use for backing fabric. 

People often ask me what do I do with my quilts????  I must admit, I usually start out making a quilt for no other reason than I just want to play with the lovely fabric!!!!   Lately thou',  as fast as I finish a quilt, it seems to find a special home real quick!!!  (one went to a doctor at work who was having a really rough week/ one went to my neice in Motueka who got married/ one went to a collegue who wanted a quilt for her granddaughter / and of course there are always lots of new babies needing quilts!!!)

Understandably there are some quilts that you just can't part with, but this particular quilt has someone's name on it already, & it still needs to be quilted !!!!!

What do others do with all their quilts?


  1. Generally, I start them with someone in mind. Although I now have three for myself - they look nice stacked up in the bookshelf in the lounge! Next week I have a group of kids at school making little quilts for NICU babies.

    1. Yes there is something quite satisfying about a pile of quilts all stacked up!!! What a lovely thing for the kids to do!!! Linda

  2. You got the top whipped up quickly!Looks like a really useful pattern.

  3. Like you I give them away. I have a couple that I have either on the bed or couch and Mum is now the recipient of a modest collection! Love this top - and it made me laugh you blaming the fabric for upsetting your master plan :-)


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