Where there's lots started... and even a few finishes!

Saturday 1 February 2014


The last few quilts I have made lately have had a similar trend, or look about them.... larger blocks, repeated shapes, chain pieced, and v.quick & simple to make!  And I haven't got too attached to the finished result during the process!!  The colour choices have been my stumbling block but I love experimenting & trying to create some contrast happening, along with a sense of overall balance.
In the past I have found that having a few of these quilts around has been v. handy, all quilted  (even if it's simple straight line quilting!)  & bound waiting for a new home.  I give them away as birthday presents, or gifts for a newborn, or charity, or more recently, I have given quilts to friends/collegues who may be having a rough day.

But today, I thought I'd tackle a bit of recycling!!!
So,  from the need- to- make- it- now sort of quilt, I jumped to something more along the lines of a slow brewing path!!  I, like many of you, have scrap leftovers from earlier projects and this year my aim is to really try & use up what I have, rather than go shopping! (I know, I know!!!)
I thought I'd recycle some of  these precious leftovers into something, and that I would keep this quilt for myself !! (After all, it's all my sewing hours history!!). I found the "Pop Stars" quilt from my Material Obsession 2 book..... a stash quilt - perfect!
After a bit of trial & error, I selected a vintage blue for the stars, an old Denise Schmitd fabric I bought from Spotlight ages ago, and spent some time cutting up strips!  I used muslim for the foundation piecing and alternated warm & cool fabrics as I sewed the strips together........

..........and, as the book says, "slow progress but warmly satisfiying!!!
Linking up with  "put your scraps to work 2014"  http://fairyfacedesigns.blogspot.ie/
So what other lovely scrappy things are you all making? 


  1. I love how bright and cheery these look. That blue is a great choice for the centres.

  2. This is going to look fabulous - I love scrappy quilts, they always seem to work, without spending hours picking colour schemes.

  3. This is going to be gorgeous! Love the blue centres and the scrappy strips. Thanks for linking up x


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