Where there's lots started... and even a few finishes!

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Glam Clam

Well I must admit, I've always wanted to make a Clamshell quilt.

And I think I may have just 
stumbled upon the perfect pattern
....No pins, no ironing
...How can this be?  

I was catching up on the now finished  "True Colours" blog tour & spotted this-  http://www.craftbuds.com/ 
And I checked out Latifah Saafir's free patterns for a 4", 6" &  8″ Glam Clam or 12″ Glam Clam quilteach with printable templates & detailed instructions!!!!

So I downloaded the 8" pattern....

I'm thinking maybe just a baby size quilt to trial it, something soft & pretty.
Has anyone else tried this method?


  1. There have been some lovely clam shell projects I have spotted lately. Looking forward to seeing yours.

  2. Hm-m-m- instructions look a wee bit involved!!! will give it a go sometime, Linda


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