Where there's lots started... and even a few finishes!

Friday 21 February 2014

sew scrappy

A few of our Monday Modern group have started a fabric diet support group, great idea!  
I haven't made any real commitments regarding not buying fabrics, mainly because I know I would inevitably not stick to it!!! ..........but this year I too am really, really trying to use what I have.
So, my fabrics here at home have been the starting point for most of my sewing lately. I also raid the big basket under the sewing table where all my little scrappy offcuts go!
(As for things like binding/ backing/ batting & borders, well I guess sometimes I will just need to go shopping!!)
My fabric choices have been a real random mix n' match between colours & collections over the years and, luckily now, I find there's really something very appealing about a scrappy quilt. This weekend I'm going to make a start on one of Jen Kingwell's patterns. It's a colourful scrappy quilt, with a bit of black & white to add a "modern"  twist, just perfect for me & my stash !!   This morning I pulled out a few low volume black & whites, along with some of my favourite bits of print fabric, and began to cut out.



  1. Which pattern are you making Linda?? I want to be able to visualise it!

  2. Can't wait to see which one you are doing.


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Happy sewing!