Where there's lots started... and even a few finishes!

Tuesday 20 May 2014

{finally} a flower finish

piecing pic of one petal, I used pink thread to show sewing lines

All done and dusted  bordered!
Haven't made such a pretty quilt in a long time!
I did mix & match in the end
adding some of my old vintage fabrics
as I'm not a big fan of using just the one fabric collection!
{My daughter, of course, immediately recognised the sheets from the bach at the beach!}
Can you spot the 3 of them?
 Linking in later with WIP Wednesday

a bit more #5
Little Olive loves this book
... we read it 3 times in a row yesterday!


  1. I expect you will have this finished by our next gathering (-:

  2. It is really pretty! Will you be quilting it yourself?

    1. thanx! (that final block actually, at long last, went together really easily!) I did wonder about tying it? and then home machine quilting the borders. L

  3. I just did an inset circle quilt, I like the look of the flowers~ may need to try this next. Love the fabrics, very colorful yet soft

  4. totally love your fabric choice, what a lovely quilt, love all the flowers

  5. this is really sweet! I love those flowers and the colors are happy :)

    Stopping by from Lee's hop http://www.domesticdeficitdisorder.blogspot.com/2014/05/wip-wednesday-may-21st.html


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