Where there's lots started... and even a few finishes!

Wednesday 14 May 2014

WIP Wednesday

a runaway quilt!

My WIP project this week is still all about getting my old hexi quilt clean! While I have admired old quilts & used them for inspiration, actually buying someone else's quilt hasn't been something I've been able to do until now. With hindsight thou', I think I should have maybe held off with putting the red binding on until after I had cleaned it! When you have made something yourself, you know how old the fabrics are that you are using, whether or not you prewashed, and you can identify what's on the back!!  I am a bit scared to wash it I must admit however, I do need to get it clean... somehow! Thanx for all the earlier advice, and if anyone else can add please do!  (see previous blog for pics of the quilt & more details)
Not too much time to dwell on it as I've been busy with looking after Little Olive this week.
And nope, no time at all for any patchwork sewing either. In a free moment inbetween picking up & dropping off, I thought about starting something new. BUT commonsense prevailed and I opted for the domestic trick instead, you know... grocery shopping / cleaning the bathroom / baking a cake!
The rest of the week, Olive & I are in the process of making sock puppets together!  Got sock-check, got feathers, felt, wool & wobbly button eyes-check, got a rough idea of pattern-check, got enthusiasm- bucketfuls! (+glue gun for Granny's use only!). Gosh what a wonderful place Spotlight is for all things crafty! Will update you with pics after my week with Olive. Linking up with WIP Wednesday @ Freshly Pieced.

a bit more #3
and talking of buttons, what about this wonderful pic
from Karen's travels @
Popping over to Melbourne in June
 will definitely be visiting her shop!  


  1. I use colour catcher from the supermarket when washing quilts - they are great.

    1. sounds like just the thing! will definetly look for that next time I go shopping. thanx, L

  2. Agree with the colour catchers! You'd be amazed at what colours come out though. One time I washed a quilt with an orange backing that I was sure would run but the catcher came out blue!

  3. Spotlight sure is filled with amazing odds and ends. Hope those sock puppets turn out just fine.

  4. I was scrolling through hoping to see the sock puppets but I see I have to be patient!! Love the pic of the runaway quilt.

  5. I can't imagine doing a whole quilt in hexies!


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Happy sewing!