Where there's lots started... and even a few finishes!

Monday 2 June 2014

curvaceous charm {update}

So yes, you guessed it, I'm tackling Denyse Schmitd's "Single Girl" quilt. Something new to immerse myself in over the winter months, a change from something fast & easy!  I do love the fresh look of many DS quilts, however I have thought her patterns seemed to be a bit complex, a bit more than they need to be perhaps?!?  While piecing this really is ok, it's all the cutting out required prior to actually sewing that threw me! There are individual templates for all the arcs and each of the 4 arcs are different! But hey, I did say I wanted a bit of a challenge! I've chosen a soft grey for the backgrounds, so that the circles remain the real focus here & these AMH fabrics certainly seem to "pop" out!  I'm hooked! a charming take indeed on the old double wedding ring. Anyone else had a go at this recently?

Interesting looking at these older QAL pics  Single Girl quilt.
and then I found this  http://www.paisleyandlace.com/2011/11/292/  lazy girl improv version!
... haha, really wish I'd spotted this b4 starting!
Linking up with Lee for WIP Wednesday @ Freshly Pieced. later in the week.

a bit more #8
   Just catching up...
... and today was the day four of my blocks appeared in the latest mexico quilt!
Such a great cause, check it all out over here   


  1. I have this pattern in my to make pile. Think when I do, I'll go with Paisley's version!

    1. I had a bit of time on my hands this weekend to get a real handle on the pattern... one sick husband = none of the usual comings & goings = sewing time +++ (once the chicken soup was made of course!). I did find that you definitely need to work systematically & have every piece labelled, or else it gets v. confusing!! L

  2. So impressed! I think this one demands more patience than I have! Looks lovely so far.

  3. I've never dared to think I could do this - but I would love to have a go. Those fabrics are just lovely. I'll be following for your tips before I start my own!

  4. Ooh I've long loved this quilt! So nice to see it in such gorgeous fabrics too.

  5. Ooooh so pretty in AMH (but is anything not pretty with AMH fabric?!). The more I see this pattern the more I want to give it a go but I'm still not sure!

  6. I completed a king sized double wedding band quilt so do sympathize with you in regard to the amount of cutting before you can sew but is it worth it. you will be really pleased with the result. Good luck and looking forward to viewing your progress.

  7. Your first finished block looks lovely. I keep thinking I will tackle an actual double wedding ring someday..... but it's the getting started that doesn't seem to be happening for me. Too many other projects in my "to do" pile first.


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