Where there's lots started... and even a few finishes!

Monday 5 January 2015

a little old fashioned, but that's all right

So I've started the year off with sewing the binding onto one of my older WiPs. I began this quilt in 2013. My inspiration came from an article in a Quiltmania magazine, 2013. In WW II Britain faced many shortages, one of which was warm bedding, and the women of Canada made lots of comfortable, warm quilts by the thousands. Some quilts are now part of a museum collection and one photo really caught my eye...

quiltmania magazine 2013

I pieced the top using up a scrappy mixture of fabrics from my stash to create a kind of old fashioned and antique looking quilt. And it was quilted by Annette/Wild Cotton quilting.

auditioning for the border fabric

close up of the quilting

But then it ended up buried in the depths of the wardrobe because I felt it was all looking 'too grey.' And you know, sometimes it is good to leave things for a while! When I relooked at it over the holidays I suddenly knew what was missing! I added a punchy bit of purpley- dark red for the binding, et voila... new life to a little old fashioned quilt!

Linking up with Cynthia's "Oh Scrap" linky party here.

a bit more # 25
YOU WEAR IT WELL a little old fashioned but that's all right
- Rod Stewart 
{here's the song}


  1. Love the fabrics in that quilt..it's very feminine ..looks great :)

  2. I think this quilt has a very inviting feel to it. And the touch of purple in the binding was just what it needed! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  3. I love it - a very happy quilt! The story behind it is fun to know, too!

  4. Popping over from Oh Scrap! Isn't is great how a binding can make all the difference? I've had that happen a time or two also. Claire aka Knitnkwilt

  5. It is a very pretty feminine quilt, looks 'shabby chic' to me.

  6. I love the look of this quilt, very pretty

  7. Well done on a finish! Amazing isn't it, things can be so close to finishing but for whatever reason we just abandon them... the purple bninding adds a good little extra to a lovely quilt.


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Happy sewing!