Where there's lots started... and even a few finishes!

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

more vintage inspiration {a WiP}

After making the last doilie quilt {see here for details} I then discovered that Jane Brocket also has a couple of lovely ideas of how to use vintage doilies. I had a quick look at one of her books yesterday and fell in love with one quilt in particular, 'Granny Takes a Trip' it was called! I can't remember all of her instructions-or why she chose that name- I was just flipping thru' the book sans glasses, but it seemed simple enough. While I have all mum's old doilies & tablecloths out of the airing cupboard, I thought I'd do a couple of trial blocks! I'm cutting them into rectangles and framing them log cabin style with strips from the Old New Fabric Collection by Lecien. Hey, this could be babe Evie's first quilt! 

Linking up with WiP Wednesday here
.. why not pop on over to see what others are busy working on too!


  1. Sans glasses - I know it well! But you must have been wearing them when you pieced these lovely blocks.

  2. I love the fabrics you pick to frame the doilies. Vintage quilts are always nice :)

  3. Oh, how loverly! I've been fighting the vintage bug quite unsuccessfully for a while now too! Isn't it precious to repurpose old linens from family and friends!


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