Where there's lots started... and even a few finishes!

Wednesday 3 June 2015

modern makeover? {a WiP}

There are some fabrics and quilts you are glad to pass onto someone else, but then there are others you just can't part with! I thought I'd share one of my old quilt tops today. It was buried in the depths of "the tardis" - aka the wardrobe in my sewing room - some of these old treasures definitely hold a place dear to my heart, and I just can't part with them!

So today I pulled out this Lone Star quilt I made many years ago. Looking at it now, it is quite severe with all that dark blue, and quite dated looking! I remember going to an all day workshop to piece the top, it went together well, and the centre sits beautifully flat! Years later, I added setting triangles & squares in cream, bordered it, and layered it up ready for quilting, and then... did nothing more!

I came across a very similar quilt from a very similar era {see mary's post here} which started me thinking! And then I spotted these more 'modern' versions - a bright Lone Star from nifty quilts here, and a liberated Lone Star from this book, Freddy and Gwen Collaborate Again, a really fun version of this old classic.

But, and this is the real question, how does one update an old quilt?

Initially, I considered ripping it all apart, cutting it up, and doing a bit of improv piecing with it! But I do still love it, so I decided to try & go down the 'modern makeover' track. I auditioned a few newer fabrics for the setting triangles & squares, just wanting to get away from the boring cream! Maybe a Denise Schmidt geometric? or play it safe (again!) with a soft blue vintage check? or a pastel Kaffe? or perhaps even a vibrant Kaffe?

I'm pleased I took some time to revisit this quilt today. 
Seeing it with "fresh eyes" was fun!
I have made a bit of a start unpicking, optimistic that I'm on the right track here
but am curious-
which way would you go... give away? cut up for improv? or unpick?
Linking up with wip wednesday here


  1. I don't think I could bear to undo and replace pieces of a quilt that was already basted! If it were me, and that were my quilt, and I liked it, even though it was somewhat dated, I'd go with option 4, and quilt it in orange, with a mix of machine and hand quilting (using perle cotton size8)

    Looking forward to seeing what you decide :-)

    1. Thank you so much for your input... #4 sounds a good plan too! I really like the idea of somehow mixing the old with the new, it’s just finding the right balance I guess. I’m just going to sit on it for a few days before I make any further decisions! Cheers, Linda

  2. OMG I would not rip it! I would do some Angela Walters (yep, love her to death) quilting in that negative space! Maybe fancy feathers (just to contrast all the angles) with some ghost diamonds "exploding" around the feathers, lots of dot to dot stuff in the diamonds themselves! Do you know I have all the fabrics I bought with a gift certificate I won when I entered a quilt show in a local town? Nicely stacked, ready to go, for a Lone Star quilt! I should put it in the Q3 FAL at On the Windy Side!! I will be checking back to see what you do!

    1. Hi Sandra, Thank you so much for your suggestions... I have unpicked the star while my daughter & I caught up with Grey’s Anatomy! It’s been washed & am now just letting it sit for a couple of days to decide what next! I kinda do still want to mix the old with the new, it’s a little challenge really! Cheers, Linda

  3. Can you run it into a medallion type quilt. Don't rip it though!!

  4. Sorry I'm going to be an old stick in the mud and say I love it just as it is. Of course I am seeing it with feathers curling around those setting triangles. Perfect as it is!

    1. Hi Linda, Ha ha, yes I did love it when I made it. I’ve had it for so lo-o-o-ng now, but still... it never got finished! Admittedly my tastes have changed over the years, but still ... it does have a certain appeal! I love the blue & peach combo, I love Lone Star, but still... it didn’t get to the top of the WiP list! What a conundrum! Thanx for your input here, Linda

  5. I like that blue check that you're trying. It kind of freshens it up because it's a bit whiter but ensures the star remains the 'star'. Good luck :-)

    1. Hi Megan,Yes, I too am favouring the check! Just waiting for my ‘personal fabric consultant’ to arrive (my daughter!) and will check it out with her!

  6. It clearly needs quilting in hot pink with coordinating binding ;)
    But I also agree with Megan about the blue check, maybe even a bright white binding then?

    1. Ha ha, I laughed when I read this Robyn! Hot pink you think... watch this space! Have a good weekend, Linda


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