Where there's lots started... and even a few finishes!

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

WiP Wednesday

I decided to make this quilt a little bit bigger
- it's my version of 'Vintage Spin' from Kathy's book 'Adding Layers' 
following her inspiring Modern Wedge workshop a couple of weekends ago.

 I've been raiding my stash
for a few more fabrics to make up a few more blocks.
{he-he, the next pic is just-for-you Mel!}

Back to sorting warm & cool fabric selections
back to combining trialing more pairs ...

back to lots of leftovers...

sigh... hope it all comes together ok in the end.
I'll just look at it for a while before going any further,
turns out now I'm going to be v.busy helping my sister paint her lounge for the next few days!

Linking up with WiP Wednesday here at freshlypieced
- you might like to pop on over & see what everyone else is up to!


  1. Ahh, my first glimpse of the infamous and substantial stash! You are putting together some lovely combinations. It seems like the class inspired a lot of people.

  2. These "spinning wedges" are great! I love the flowery ones, but especially the bottom left pic. The orange/red and aqua look so pretty together! Nice that you have a deck to enjoy the great outdoors! I practically live on mine in the nice weather, as long as I'm home and not working, that is! We are into Autumn, heading into winter, so think of us as you enjoy :-)

  3. Wow - look at your stash!!! These blocks are great - your quilt will be rather beautiful.

  4. Your quilts are always so bright and beautiful, Linda. I'm thinking of your daisies, and now these spinning wedges! Fun!

    1. Thanks Nancy! It's taking me a while to get them all to gel nicely together, but yes, it's a lot of fun! Linda

  5. These blocks are gorgeous! Such great fabric choices.

  6. You have some beautiful fabrics here and a fun design to work on.

    1. Thank you Karen! Yes, lots of fun happening here in the sewing room! It’s a bit of design challenge getting the various blocks to all gel together, but I’ll get there I’m sure. Linda


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Happy sewing!