Where there's lots started... and even a few finishes!

Thursday 21 July 2016

my friday favourites #1

Today I thought I'd take a look back over the past few days, and here's what caught my eye this week...

... my niece's new bicycle

... this new pattern booklet Jenny From One Block
featuring Jen Kingwell's 'halo quilt' - so now I've got the book, just need to find the time!
and check out this lovely version posted by Loulou
I've been following her progress on Instagram and love-love-love her fabric choices!

... then I came across this sweet vintage paper piecing pattern by Charise from charisecreates
and I'm so tempted to give this a go too!

... and I'm just loving reading Rachaeldaisy's posts,
have you come across her blog bluemountaindaisy yet?
Pop on over to see her incredible quilts- she's inspiring- so skilled- and her playful photos this week made me smile!

photo printed with permission

What are you loving this week? 


  1. I am seriously thinking that a Halo quilt is in my future, the next dilemma is before of after my AMH quilt, and do I do it really scrappy or do LV/Denyse Schmidt fabrics - first world problems really.

  2. I'm honoured to be included in such a fun mix of favourites. :)

  3. Love your week's "Photo Diary". I've followed Rachel Daisy's blog for a long time and always enjoy all of her posts. Fabulous quilts and great artistic ideas. I even arranged to meet her back in 2014 in Sydney but unfortunately at the last moment it didn't happen as she was called for an interview. One day, perhaps?

  4. Oh, the possibilities! Halo looks like a perfect way to have fun, and those dresses are making paper-piecing look really tempting...

  5. Lovely eye-candy Linda and interesting sounding links to check out! Have a great weekend :-)

  6. That photo of the bike is fantastic! Thanks for some great links; I'm off to explore.


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Happy sewing!