Where there's lots started... and even a few finishes!

Saturday 27 August 2016

little and lots

Is it spring yet?
I'm so over all this rain... and wind... and so looking forward to a spot of warmer weather

I've been busy this past week or so doing little bits on lots of different WiPs, enjoying all the variety and all the different processes involved - but as a result, my sewing room looks like a whirlwind has been through here too! Anyway, here's a few photos of my messy 'creative' week!

First up, 'scrappy trips' I want to keep going with this and make it up to a good size, so four more blocks have been added to the pile and I've cut more strips ready for the next few blocks...

Then onto my Gypsy Wife. There's some serious scrappy-ness happening with this WiP too! It's been a while since I added to this and I did have a little panic moment when I thought I'd used up one of my grey vertical strip fabrics. But I found the missing piece {insert happy face} and have made some good progress on section 6.
Here it is hanging very precariously up on the 'design door'- just hope that strong westerly wind doesn't blow it all off before I get a chance now to sew it together ...


And, slowly but surely, the pickle dishes are happening. This is more traditional than some of my WiPs, but they do say variety is the spice of life! I'm getting into the habit of making a matching pair each time I start sewing...

I'm using Kaffe Fassett's "Pickle Dish" pattern from his book, Quilt Romance There are many, many versions of this, Kaffe's one is great and all machine pieced.

- hey, it does all work! 

- two blocks down
I'll keep you posted on progress!

What are you working on this week?
Linking up with Cynthia this week for 'oh scrap'  here
and for 'moving forward' over here at emsscrapbag
and for 'fabric Tuesday' here at quiltstory

a bit more #51
Oh, and there's a bit of a discussion happening about blogs and blogging
posted by Cindy from hyacinthquiltdesigns {follow the link to see}
  - interesting reading!


  1. I love your variety of projects. The Pickle Dish blocks are beautiful. You certainly know how to choose fabric combinations.

  2. I like Pickle Dish blocks a lot, so this is definitely right up my street. Your scrappy approach to things gives them a lovely character. The Gypsy Wife also really benefits from this approach - you are very good at choosing fabrics that work together.

  3. I opened up my sewing room today and let the westerlies blow all the steam from my iron out. i was amazed to see my daffodils still standing after the wind we had.
    I really like the colours in your scrappy trip, looking forward to the reveal.

  4. I can already tell that I'm going to **LOVE** your pickle dish!

  5. Ooh, liking your pickle dish very much - it's one that's on "the list" so thanks for the heads up in the pattern.

  6. Well you certainly have enough going on to keep you out of trouble. Wasn't the weather glorious today though, I did no sewing and spent the day digging out turf and laying a cobble stone mowing strip, of course the cat thinks it is a path just for her.

  7. All of your scrappy projects are beautiful! I made a scrappy trip quilt a couple of years ago and it is still one of my most favorite finishes. It's fun to see your progress on the Gypsy Wife and Pickle Dish, too!

  8. There is so much scrappy goodness in this post! All of your current projects are so inspiring. They make me want to go play in my scraps :)

  9. Your fans are looking so great! I might have to make some of these to cheer me up through the coming winter. Thank you for the inspiration!

  10. Great to see the whirlwind happening in your sewing room! Spring keeps coming and going, I cant keep track!

    1. Interesting article about blogging. I've decided blogging really is my thing, I've tried other mediums but really love the blogging platform :-)

  11. Great progress with Pickle Dish - have you seen his new book? Spring is coming obviously, our cherry tree is flowering already.

  12. I too hopped over the other day to read about blogging - great piece! Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

    1. But wait there’s more... Cynthia chats about blogs, and we are both mentioned over here- -http://quiltingismorefunthanhousework.blogspot.co.nz/2016/08/thoughts-on-blogging-one-lovely-blog.html

  13. Wow! you have been busy Linda! I especially love your Pickle Dish. I know you are not on IG but you might like this : http://www.sunnydayfabric.com/?page_id=1793 all about Mary's construction of the Pickle Dish block. Not that it looks like you need any help!


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Happy sewing!