Where there's lots started... and even a few finishes!

Wednesday 11 October 2017

sew stitch snap SHARE #14

Hi everyone, how is your week going?
I have a finished quilt to share today

I used a Kaffe pattern that I'd admired for some time now, 'Ebay on Point' from his Caravan of Quilts book. Lots of fun using this eclectic mix of fabrics- Kaffes, spots, checks & stripes, AMH, lots of other little bits of Amy B., Jen Kingwell, Denyse Schmidt, outback wife, and some smaller scale reproduction fabrics.
The finished quilt measures 180cms x 145cms, and was lightly quilted in a 'modern ribbons' pattern by Annette de Raat with wool blend batting. {Earlier progress photos can be found here and here.}

And I've also been chipping away slowly at my 'whimsy' quilt, one block at a time. I'm finding there's quite a 'springiness' to these blocks, maybe because I am machine piecing them? Using a scant 1/4" seam certainly seems to help a bit. {See back here and here for more progress pics} 

I had a little play on the 'design floor' today, just to see how the blocks were looking all together, and I also wanted to check out how the borders were going to go, have a little look . . .

16 blocks down, not too sure how many to go yet but I'm very happy with these so far.

Time now for another fortnightly 'Sew, Stitch, Snap, SHARE' linkup
My pick from last time were these pretty 'delilah' blocks by Susan from patchworknplay
Have a closer look at Susan's fussy cutting, such a great use of fabric.

Pop on over here to see lots more & be inspired.
(all pics reposted with quilter's permission)

And what are you working on right now? Whatever you're sewing or stitching, you can link it up here. Just follow these simple guidelines:

1. Link up any post from the past week that features something you have been sewing or stitching, whether they are WiPs or finishes. You can write as much or as little about your project as you like, or simply let your photos do the talking.
2. Somewhere in your post, please link back to this post.
3. Please comment on a couple of the other Sew, Stitch, Snap, SHARE links.

We are trying to encourage people to read blogs and to keep blogging.
Hope you find some new inspiration too and thanks for joining us
Julie & Linda


  1. pretty quilt and pretty blocks - love the fabric

  2. Your finished quilt is wonderful and the one in progress is fabulous!

  3. Your quilt turned out fabulously - definitely that lovely scrappy vintage style you're famous for. I', loving your Whimsy quilt so far, your latest block's centre piece certainly has that WOW factor.

  4. I love this quilt. I've been in a Kaffe Phase since attending his workshop last week so I've been playing with the stash. I see you've used some of his latest prints plus some old friends. The Whimsy Quilt is just yummy, love seeing the large florals with the red stripe fabric.

  5. The whimsy quilt is beautiful. Love the big florals and the red stripes.

  6. Your Whimsy quilt is coming along so well! I love it more every time! Great to have another lovely finish as well. There's just something about the way you put fabrics together that I enjoy very much. I haven't tried a vertical pattern like that in a very long time. Don't think I'd be nearly as good as you at lining the seams up!

  7. I love your latest finish! It is such an effective pattern, for you wide range of fabrics! And Whimsy- that stripe is positively mesmerising!

  8. Both your finished Kaffe quilt and the whimsical quilt blocks are beautiful!
    I love Susan’s work and the colour schedule she chose for the Delilah quilt!

  9. Great finish with your top quilt. The setting works so well.
    And the blocks for your next top are looking great, too. Lots of fun with fabrics.
    Cheers, Karen

  10. Love your finished Kaffe quilt. You certainly know how to put scraps of fabric together to create beautiful Quilts. Those whimsy blocks are great and the layout is looking good.

  11. Lovely scrappy vintage finish! I see this is another sew stitch snap share I have missed in participating in!

  12. I love your quilt and the whimsy blocks are beautiful! Good job!

  13. Always nice to ha e a finish. Susan’s fabric choices are delightful.

  14. Wonderful finish! Those blue columns really jazzed up the quilt. The blocks remind me of a beaded curtain. Nice job!

  15. Congratulations,Your 'Ebay on Point' is beautiful.
    Nice work on your 'Whimsy' blocks too.

  16. Ebay on Point is just a delight, I love the mix of fabrics you have used. Whimsy blocks are progressing nicely, once again you have used a great selection of fabrics, the red/white stripe is a definite hit!!

    1. Thank you so much Maureen.
      I wanted to get that all important 'contrast' thing-y happening with my ‘ebay on point’ quilt, and I tried really hard "not to analyze the fabric for its beautiful design but rather, consider each only for its colour."
      The original ’whimsy’ quilt is made with fun ‘I spy’ fabrics, so it’s a large-ish child sized quilt. Loving playing with the large florals, just not too sure how big I’ll go with mine yet.
      Happy sewing.

  17. Thank you for hosting this linky party. I so enjoyed the respite from work to busy myself reading blogs. Yeah for bloggers!

  18. I am so disorganised at the moment I keep missing this link-up, but since I'm haven't been sewing much this week at least I can enjoy other people's progress. I love your Whimsy more every time I see it and Ebay on Point has your usual lovely mix of colour and pattern.

  19. Congrats on a very colorful finish. I really like your "whimsy" blocks. That red stripe really adds a lot of drama to the blocks.

  20. You have arranged the shades so beautifully. A lovely finish!



Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. I love to hear your thoughts.

Sadly, the spam has gotten ridiculous lately, so I will be approving comments from now on.

And, once again Blogger has made changes. If you are unable to leave a comment here on the blog, you are welcome to email me directly.

Happy sewing!