Where there's lots started... and even a few finishes!

Sunday 21 January 2018

strings on a Sunday

The house situation is slowly falling into place, it's taken a bit of time & juggling but settlement dates are all lined up nicely now. As I've got a little bit of spare time, I have been sewing. I want to get this old top off the WiP pile. this year. for. sure!

Another stash quilt, one I've had on the go -slowly- for a couple of years now. I had cut out a pile of 1 1/2 " strings and made up a couple of the sections, and then I stopped.
It's an easy quilt to make with lots of repetitive stitching, just what I feel like at the moment. It does take a bit of time to join all the strings out to the points of the triangles though, and the joining seams tend to get bulky, I guess that's why it's taking me so long to get this top together!

One complete star block

I'm using Kathy's pattern 'Pop Stars' from one of her earlier books with Sarah Fielke Material Obsession Two. Unlike Kathy's vibrant version, I'm embracing the all-over scrappy pastel look. I'm keeping similar blue strips for the outside circle (on most sections) to help make the spiderweb work. And I'm trying to get a good mix of light & medium fabrics, recycling some old favourites and alternating the warm & cool fabrics. The star blocks each work out at 21 1/2", it's going to end up quite a big quilt I think.

I've been adding the sections up on the design wall as I go, it's fun watching it all grow.

Four big star blocks done, 8 more to go, and then there are 8 half star blocks
But I can't make up any more yet as I'm waiting for more of the Kaffe spot to arrive.
Linking up with Cynthia for 'oh scrap' here  
and with Em for 'moving it forward' over here      

And here's a photo of 'the chair'
It was my mum's chair for many years, she had it in her bedroom. 
The original fabric was very faded
so the other day I decided to have a bit of a go at diy cushion covers.
I used a lovely piece of outbackwife fabric and I'm very pleased with the result.


  1. great use of scraps - this will be a great quilt when you are done with it - I have a lot of strings and need to do something with them

  2. These blocks are looking great. Lovely to see you still getting some stitching time.
    And lovely work on the chair, too.

  3. I have always wanted to make a spiderweb quilt........yours is lovely. The fact that they are foundation pieced makes them lovely and stable to work with. Fabulous chair makeover. Nice you have sometime to sew during moving time.

  4. Have seen many spiderweb quilts but have to say yours is one on the best, bright, fresh, clean look. Just love it.

  5. beautiful spring looking quilt blocks and a beautiful chair!!! lovely work.

  6. I did a "spider web" using Bonnie Hunter's instructions. The "star" part was done in a 2 tone gold stripe. First strip on each side was a black, and from there on it was "any color goes". I love this quilt and intend to make many more----we all say "it's a scrap user"---ha ha---scraps just keep multiplying like hangers in the closet. :-) What I liked best about BH's instructions is using the phone book pages as the foundation--yes it makes an extra step to pull the paper off, but what else do you do while streaming something on "TV" ? Also there is no extra weight in the final quilt as when you use fabric as the foundation. And yes, I did use fabric one time, and it is the heaviest quilt I own. Would never do it again

  7. So interesting to see how you're constructing this quilt. I like the larger spiderwebs and really like the calm fabric you chose for the stars. It's almost like the blue microdot I almost used for my border. And yours looks wonderful. Interesting that you're adding it to the centers of your spiderwebs. This will be a lovely quilt with all the beautiful blues.
    Such a good job recovering the chair cushions. We are fortunate to have family items.

  8. Pretty quilt to see from winter weary eyes; the fabrics make me think of Spring. I love the dots.

  9. Great job on re-covering the chair. Your string blocks are looking gorgeous.

  10. Your chair turned out really well. Love the colour of those spots, I have decided I need to embrace some Kaffe spots in my stash, they look so versatile the way you use them.

  11. Love those soft blue polka dots with your pastel strings. What a pretty quilt this is going to be. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  12. The blue spot is fabulous in these blocks and they look soooo good with your chair!! Love the new covers.

  13. Kaffe dots and pastel strings, perfect together.
    And I agree, your new chair fabric is lovely, you've been busy.

  14. I noticed that chair right away - looks wonderful! I love your star blocks, too - pretty colors, and I'm always fascinated by that design!

  15. Your blocks are coming together really well. Having made one I know what you mean about the seams. That chair is a star too!

  16. Your blocks look so good, a beautiful color combination. I've never made a spider web quilt before but yours make me ponder about it!

  17. Your post and the colors are a breath of fresh air in blog land. Love the chair too! it's nice to see the other things people are up to. Thank you for sharing :)

  18. Love this combination of colors/fabrics! It's a great pattern. Love seeing it come together in your special way!

  19. I love the way you controlled the design with the blue outer strips. Very nice effect.

  20. Your Spider Web is a winner. Great idea to make the stars in the spotted fabric and to use blues for the first strips. The recovered chair is excellent and complements the new quilt perfectly.

  21. I really like the touches of stronger blue and orange and am impressed you are managing to sneak sewing time in still. The chair looks amazing.

  22. Love the upholstery, and its funny how sometimes those simple blocks are the hardest ones to put together!

  23. This is such a fun pattern to make. I did it up in oranges and then filled in the triangles with fabric that I made up of dark greens and blacks (totally love making fabric from scraps!) and called it Pumpkin Patch at Midnight (https://rie-quiltbee.blogspot.ca/search/label/Pumpkin%20Patch%20at%20Midnight). It was just so much fun to watch it come together. I love the scrappiness of yours and those polka dots are perfect.

  24. Love the strings, and those polka dots make a perfect star background!
    Hoping the moving is going smoothly! (It's something I always dread!)


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Happy sewing!