As you can see I'm a multi tasker, & am having a bit of fun juggling a variety of balls in the air at present. And as I tend to only sew intermittently, once I get started I just keep going! I began making the Retro Flower blocks today, slowly slowy, one petal at a time! So glad I had that bit of
fun practise
last week nutting out the pattern. This next one still took a bit of time but went together alot easier. Then I crawled around the family room floor layering up & pinning my Triangle quilt ready for some home machine quilting, and lastly I put the binding onto the Flying Geese quilt, all ready for hand sewing the back of it down one evening this weekend.
a bit more #1
just finished reading
"On an Island with Consequences Dire"
by Kelly Ana Morey
Kiwi author, well written
but oh dear.. not a 'fun' ending!
The quilting and binding on your geese quilt are really lovely. You are a busy bee!