Where there's lots started... and even a few finishes!

Sunday 4 May 2014

QAL update and more..

The first of the month & there's another "Classic meets Modern" QAL block waiting for me to do! I'm finding sewing time these days is quite sporadic, one minute heaps of other things take priority which is fine, the stuff on the "to-do-list" simply has to sit on the back burner for a while!
And then suddenly there's a nice quiet patch when it's just me & my sewing machine! So I used that window of opportunity today & did a bit of catching up. First up was QAL blocks. This time it's the Dresden Plate, with a modern twist. Erin over @ http://www.sewathomemummy.com/ gave two options. I made them both as I like how different they look! (and truely, the 2nd one was so quick & easy to put together)

Here they all are so far...

And I finally managed to narrow things down a bit with the vintage fabric idea. Thanx for the comments about it. Glenys kindly gave me a copy of the Retro Flowers quilt so that's the pattern sorted! And I've decided I'll just use the new vintage range as they are just that bit brighter...

But I made a trial block up today, to test the pattern & just to make sure I do enjoy sewing this! I used an old vintage sheet along with a variety of low volumes for my backgrounds. I like the 3-pin-method for curved piecing, & slowly, gently work my way around each curve. Once again, careful cutting out essential and being consistant with sewing a 1/4" seam... looking at it now I can see I will need to be even more careful with my future blocks, as the seam lines are very obvious especially on the light fabrics! The whole block does take a while to complete but I'm thinking there's potential.

and finally, after reviewing photos & a bit of unpicking I think I've got it right, just needs some pressing, but here's the prototype...

Oh, and the fabrics arrived from Amitie stash club this week. The thing I'm liking about this is that I recieve some fabrics I wouldn't normally chose. 16 little 10" squares of pretty -

Have a good week!
Linking up with Lee's WIP Wednesday later in the week.


  1. I love your retro flower. Nearly drove me nuts making that pattern but I learnt lots about being precise! I think it will look fabulous with the scrappy low volume background.

    1. I wondered if this was the pattern you had used a while ago! Yes, after much hestitation, am happy I went with the low volume. The trial run was a bit fraught to say the least...hopefully the next block will be easier now? L

  2. Absoltuely gorgeous, I love your fabric choices, they're so fresh!

    1. Thank you! I am trying to put bit more of a modern spin on the QAL blocks, it's amazing just how "against- the- grain" it was for me to make those "floating" cream wedges! L

  3. I love your QAL blocks! I still have to sew my April together. I think I'm going to do the non curved version for May, just because I'm feeling lazy. Plus, I don't want the added layer of fabric for doing it the other way.

    You'll get in your groove for the Retro Flowers pattern. I made one for my friend as a baby shower gift. The think that I like about the pattern is that she gives you some flexibility by making them a tiny bit big and then having to trim them down. Granted the trimming takes a while, but makes everything match up so much more nicely.

    1. Thanks for popping by ... and I did finally discover the flexibility when aligning up the blocks, really great! L

  4. Love your retro flowers block. I made that one too. Took awhile but I do love it. Your fabric choices for it are so pretty.


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