Where there's lots started... and even a few finishes!

Friday 8 May 2015

this week...

  • This week I got my quilt back from Linda, the Razzle Dazzle quilter. I think she has done a beautiful job of blending in her quilting in with my piecing, can’t stop looking at it! Next up, binding! If you want to see more pics, I'm sure Linda too will be writing a post soon, pop on over & see here
  • Some time ago I ordered a new book and it arrived this morning, "The Improv handbook for Modern Quilters" by Sherri Lynn Wood. A very interesting approach to creative quilting, has anyone else read this? 
  • Oh and I made a yummy cake, Chocolate & Beetroot - yes beetroot - cake! {recipe here}
Have a lovely weekend! 


  1. The quilting on your quilt is great. No wonder you keep looking at it.....I'm liking the look of that cake as well :)

  2. Wow! Binding on already!
    I'm loving the look of that cake. Yum oh

    1. Hi Linda, Yes, we’re using the quilt already today even though I haven’t actually finished sewing down the binding! The cake turned out wonderful! I had my doubts, but my daughter insisted I bake it! I only used one beetroot, the recipe called for two! It was very moist. The choc ganche icing was yummy too of course! Have a lovely weekend, Linda ps I saw your post today, great pics! I forwarded the link onto other MM group members!

  3. I really like the crosshatching that makes diamonds.

    My book in the mail this week is Cultural Fusion Quilts. Looking forward to a wet weekend so I can ignore outside jobs to read and sew!

  4. Stunning quilt Linda and beautiful quilting from Linda! I wonder if we've bought our books from the same place, I received mine Thursday but have only read through the first few pages - but I'm liking it very much!! Great content and food for thought. There are heaps of super books around for us quilters presently.

    1. Thank you so much! I have been in two minds about the whole quilt, the blocks all seemed out of proportion to each other! Now, I like to think of it as a huge bright lego construction, using both the toddler duplo and the more smaller stuff! And yes, the book is full of inspiration, the ruler free cutting could take a bit to get used to though! Linda

  5. I still have beetroot in the fridge waiting to be turned into a chocolate beetroot cake or brownie. It seems to cut through the sweetness of the chocolate. Am waiting for the book from my library - looks interesting. Your quilt has turned out beautifully.
    Hope you have had a lovely Mother's Day.

  6. Great team work, you and Linda (!), you must be so pleased with your quilt! The cake sounds interesting - thanks for the link to the recipe!


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