Where there's lots started... and even a few finishes!

Monday 11 May 2015

sewing pretty- take 2

Olive's first quilt 2011 

oops, petal up the top the wrong way... where's my seam ripper?

A new week, and here's what's happening here in my sewing space

Well, I had planned to spend time machine quilting a couple of WiP's this week but... I've been doing some slowish sewing instead!
Maybe it's these colder evenings?
Maybe it's taking the time to enjoy the process that really appeals just now?
Or maybe I just wanted to open up my new Gardenvale bundle? These fabrics are pretty! Kinda vintage with a modern twist and they mix in well with my other scrappy bits & pieces too.
I'm using see through templates - I originally used these templates 4 yrs ago as the centre for Olive's first quilt {see pic #2}. I sort of made up that quilt as I went along, thankfully all the borders met beautifully! Anyway, I'm machine piecing these little 8" Daisy blocks, and plan to set them on point... and yep, it's all inset seams! I've got the 'needle down' option on my machine so I stop at all the 1/4" intersections! And I'm now also cutting my background squares just a wee bit bigger to allow for tweaking when joining everything up later.
Happy to truck along slowly at present, just doing this at my own pace, one scrappy daisy at a time.Will keep you updated on further daisies!

my tip of the day #2
How do you use up some of your older, not so loved fabric stash?

Some of my fabric stash really is quite dated and I've found it so hard to use lately.
 Many of you probably already do this too, but for any new sewers ...
I've started sorting some of the larger pieces into main colour groups 
 and am now making up scrappy but blending backings for finished quilt tops!

Linking into 'oh scrap' here
and WiP Wednesday here @ freshly pieced
Why not pop on over to see what everyone else has been up to! 


  1. Going to be a lovely quilt using that template. I too have some old stuff that's going to be a lot older by the time i look at it! :)

  2. I've popped over from Oh Scrap!, lured by your pretty poinsettia, which I now see is a daisy. What a cute block! This is going to be such a pretty quilt!

  3. Those blocks are very cute and will make a lovely quilt, I can't wait to see as it progresses.

  4. Cute daisy blocks! I have two huge stacks of older fabrics which I am using to piece backings - "waste not, want not" as Mum used to say!

    1. Thank you! Yep your mum was right! I love that sense of resourceful–ness {is that a word?} by using my stash. Linda

  5. I love the backings your are putting together. I think they will work great! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

    You daisy blocks are pretty darn cute too!

  6. Those are cute blocks and it sounds like you have the process sussed! It's fun to have fun with the backings, you're right, a great way to use some of those 'no longer loved quite so much' fabrics :-)


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Happy sewing!