Where there's lots started... and even a few finishes!

Saturday 16 May 2015

this week...

bright & bold building blocks all finished! 

a little bundle of new pretty fabric 

up on the design wall

The Warriors are on... playing Parramatta 
so I thought I'd write a quick post about my week!
  • First up, I went dancing! Over the years I've been to jazzercise, then zhumba, and now I go to dance class! It's 'in town' so travelling in & out is a bit of a pain at rush hour, but I love the class. It's for women of a certain age (!!) and we are learning to use our bodies with ease and (re)discover the joy of movement! It's contemporary dance, easy low impact, and alot of fun. Ha-ha, we don't really all look like that in pic #1!
  • Book club again this week. My pick of the bunch is "The Extraordinary Journey of The Fakir Who got Trapped in an Ikea Wardrobe." We follow the main character, Ajatashatru Oghash (pronounced "a-jar-of-rat-stew-oh-gosh") on his accidental European journey. He's a likeable rogue exploring the perils of emigration, and meeting unlikely friends in odd places. A good read!
  • I finished sewing the binding on my Building Blocks quilt. Finish #2 ticked off my FAL list  yayee! Linking into tgiff over here at quarter inch from the edge
  • And I made a few more scrappy daisy blocks. I'm mostly using small to medium scale prints, lots of different fabrics from my stash along with my new bundle of fabric by Jen Kingwell, Gardenvale from the Fat Quarter Shop. These fabrics seem vintage-y with a bit of a modern twist, pretty little pieces, just 56cms x 23cms {22" x 9"}, but perfect for mixing up into the one quilt. Linking into Molli here for Sunday Stash. The block backgrounds are all a mixture of cream, white & grey neutrals. Scrappiness at it's best I reckon! 


  1. You'll have to give us a dance demo one Monday Linda! Love those stars.

    1. Thanks Megan... ha-ha, what happens at dance class stays at dance class! L

  2. Looks like a busy week! Thanks for linking up with TGIFF!

  3. You are certainly keeping busy. Wow - I knew there were some big blocks in the MBB quilt, but that photo puts them into perspective. Have a great weekend.

  4. Your daisy blocks are so beautiful! Gorgeous mix of fabrics!

    1. Thank you Lucy! Yes, after the rather bright & bold building blocks, I’m just loving these pretty daisy blocks more & more! L

  5. Your quilt is beautiful and looks really good on the bed! ... LOVE, LOVE the daisy blocks!

  6. You've got a lot done in one week. I too love the daisy blocks - they are the perfect mix of vintage and modern. So pretty.

    1. Hi Kaja, Yes me too, I’m just loving playing with these pretty daisy blocks more & more! I've made quite a few now, and I've really enjoyed selecting the fabrics, mixing everything up, and am loving watching it all slowly come together! Thanx for stopping by & commenting! Have a good week, Linda

  7. Congrats on finishing the building blocks - am intruiged by that book! Visiting from FAL link up!

  8. Congratulations on the Building Blocks finish. I know it's a very big quilt, so well done. I've read that book about IKEA - quite funny.

  9. I meant to say that I'm *Visiting as a member of the official 2015 Finish-Along cheerleading squad*


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