Monday, 1 November 2021

another blogiversary

November is my nine-year blogiversary of kokaquilts, gosh it's hard to believe that I haven't run out of things to say yet! I don't usually remember my blogiversary, I think the last time was back in Nov 2018. 

But, well, 9 years and 752 posts later, it's a fair bit of time spent blogging, yes? And so today seemed like a good time to remember why I started blogging and what I've learnt along the way.

Like many of you, I started my blog simply to keep track of what I'd made, before I gave it away, and to share pictures of my work with others passionate about sewing too. 
I enjoy checking out other patchwork blogs with my early morning coffee, especially ones with beautiful pictures. I love all the inspiration, humour, and tempting designs out there! And don't get me started on all the yummy fabric choices, oh my, I'd need a whole post just to chat about that!

And here's a few things I've learnt along the way …

Keep it real - I decided way back to sew things I want to make, focusing on what makes me happy, not just the latest QAL. I love the scrappy look and enjoy lots of colour. I start a lot of things, zapping back & forth a lot from one to the other, and somehow, do manage to finish a few things too. 

Never stop learning - This year I've tried a few different things, explored new ideas and really pushed my photography skills. Still plenty of learning to do... I plan to focus on doing more my own machine quilting, I've yet to make an all-solids quilt, and I still can't seem to get a handle on improv 😟 

Find like minded people - One of the very special things about a quilting blog is that I get to "met" & connect with people all over the world. There are names I recognise of people who’ve been visiting and commenting on my posts for years, and I’m very touched that these people have popped back for more, time and time again. 

Thank you all for stopping by every couple of weeks to see what's new here at kokaquilts.

Stick to your priorities - I can see how easily blogging {and other social platforms} can absolutely take over your life if you let it. I write a post when I can, no deadlines, no pressures. Family, health & happiness come first.

Lighten up - if you're not having fun, what's the point? 
… Now where's that glass of sav?

So I'd love to hear your thoughts on why you blog too. 
And which are some of your favourite blogs this year?

Happy Monday
{or Sunday depending on where your home is}


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

like you I mainly started to blog as a way to keep track of quilts and how long it took to make them in some cases. Then it evolved to blogging almost daily - there have been a lot of blogs that I have read over the almost 15 years now of my blogging and a lot of blog friends - so many have stopped blogging over the years but there are still some that I have read for a long time

Robin said...

I can sympathize with you when you said you were not able to get a handle on improv. I seem to get inspired by the pattern and then change it as I go along. I love the things improv quilters produce but I'm not good at it. I enjoy your blog and come back again and again to see your lovely bright floral quilts.

karenbbsnow said...

My quilting philosophy is similar to yours. I think it will be a life saver as I ease into retirement.

I really love your fabric and colour choices.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I started my blog in July 2007 to share photos of my quilts with friends and it rapidly turned into an online diary with lots of readers. I have made so many friends through the blog including several who have actually stopped to visit me on their way through my neck of the woods. I'm happy there are still so many people posting about their quiltmaking on their blogs. It's so much fun to see the fabric combinations that everyone uses.

Frea said...

Hello. I’m a quilter of the Netherlands.
I read your blog for many years.
I like your style of fabrics and quilting. Your blog is a start page for me to read other blogs.
I don’t have a blog of myself, but I started on Instagram.

deb oldenburg said...

ilove your blog though i rarely comment. coffee and me every morning i go through and read what people are up to. scrappy quilts always intrige me and yours i just love. have struggled after retirement with making productive time. I finally started finishing things and the joy of the last stitch on the bindings has returned. I just need to stay focused. do what makes you happy ahhhhh yes.....

Tawa said...

I open up your blog every morning with a coffee, if no new post (no pressure), then I read through the blogs in your side bar. I do this while tucked up with a coffee, trying to work up the courage to tackle the day. It’s part of my routine, hardly ever deviated from. I love your scrappy quilts and use of colour, and laid back style. And I’ve often found new online shops and designers thanks to your blog. Thanks for the years of blogging.

Mystic Quilter said...

Such a pleasure to come to my blog reading today and see your beautiful quilts and your thoughts on why we blog and importantly your notes on what you have learnt along the way since you began blogging - brilliant!! I'm not sure when I first discovered your blog but it's quite a few years ago now, it was good to actually meet you when I had a market stall at Guild and you came along, I think with your friend Glenys, but not sure. Reading again what you say in this post I definitely agree with all statements, especially finding like minded people, sticking to priorities and to lighten up - this has sometimes been a problem for me especially feeling I fall behind others in the amount of blog posts they write, but sometimes 'life' gets in the way and we have to follow our own path. Making new friends has been and still is a joy, even though we're not sitting together in the same room enjoying a coffee/tea and admiring the latest projects. I look forward to reading your blog posts in the years ahead!!

Karen S said...

Congratulations on achieving a significant milestone.
Lovely to see you still enjoy your blog and your stitching.

ButterZ said...

I love blogging and commenting as well as having others comment on different topics. Progress is good and new ideas are shared. Without being able to see too many people this way of communication really connects the whole world. Like minded people getting together with stories and pictures are always fun to see.

Tish said...

Enjoy your blog and appreciate the effort that goes into posting. Love your aesthetic, and agree that interacting with other quilters is one of the major pleasures of this craft.

Dorothy said...

I don't have a log. but I so enjoy reading them and seeing all of the eye candy for inspiration. And yours truly does inspire. Thank you

Julie said...

Happy blogaversary Linda. I remember how delighted I was to fina a kiwi quilter when I discovered your blog. I love how we've been able to meet up annually (excluding 2020 and 2021, thanks Covid) at our quilt show. Thank you for your chatty emails, your interesting links to inspirational images and posts and book suggestions. Here's to another year of blog friendship.

Kleine Vingers said...

I do enjoy visiting your blog and seeing lovely and fresh quilts. I blog very little, just to keep track of my quilts. My quilts are mostly traditional, I try to make an improv quilt but find it very hard.

audrey said...

Love your motto for blogging, not giving in to pressure and trying to make things fun! I can't remember when I found your blog, but I've really enjoyed following you ever since that first time. Happy blogaversery! You're definitely one of my favorite blogs. So many have quit blogging that the list seems to be shorter than it used to be. For the most part, I enjoy process bloggers and that seems to be falling by the wayside these days. 'Sew Slowly' is still one of my faves too.:)

pandchintz said...

Congratulations and keep up the great work - both blogging and quilting. Always enjoy reading and seeing what you’re creating. Hugs x

The Joyful Quilter said...

Happy blogaversary!! Sorry I'm late to the party. You certainly have some beautiful quilts to share!!