Monday 9 September 2024

sawtooth stars remix

It struck me this weekend that while being so focused lately on using-the-stash, I still had quite a few fabrics that I never seem to actually use, ones that felt too bold, too multi-coloured, and/or too tricky to mix. 
So, this started out as a few experimental blocks up on the design wall, testing a mix of pinks, purples, blues from stash. "Good colours" was Mr D's comment as he passed the sewing room. 
It's a mix of AMH fabrics with a selection of Alison Glass & other blenders, crazy busy and all over the place (but quietly thoroughly thought out!).

It’s fun playing with all the scrappy possibilities, 
and I may have just found the. perfect. border!



Juliana said...

Mr. D is right about these blocks showcasing wonderful color. I can't wait to see more of this quilt!

Janie said...

Ohh, yes, good colors! and contrast. I love the flowers, birds and butterflies, organic makes my heart sing.

Quilting Babcia said...

Good colors, great variety of patterns in your block centers. This one's a winner I think!

dutchcomfort said...

So fun to see fabrics that are in my stash as well, but in completely different colours! Love your stars and the border fabric needs a standing ovation!

Denice Barker said...

If you are auditioning that border, it's a winner!

Robin said...

What a great quilt.. It looks like you bought fabric specifically for this quilt. Good eye!

Mystic Quilter said...

Yes to the stunning border fabric!!! I have that one in my stash, perfect for borders.

kiwikid said...

Wonderful blocks and I love the border fabric.

Judy Biggerstaff said...

Lots of beautiful fabric were used in these blocks. Love the birds fabric!

audrey said...

Isn't that interesting, how we can somehow manage to ignore some quite interesting fabrics. Never the right quilt! Love how you put your fabrics together and that floral border fabric pull is just scrumptious!:)

Quiltdivajulie said...

I love it!

Karen S said...

Definitely a gorgeous collection of colours in these blocks. Lovely.

Rebecca Grace said...

Lovely, fresh and lively star blocks mixing those prints beautifully, and OH MY GOSH I am now obsessed with your border print fabric!! Please tell me it's a recent purchase and not from your Deep Stash???