Where there's lots started... and even a few finishes!

Tuesday 22 October 2024

garden party quilt

This recently finished quilt ticks all the boxes for me…so many of my favourite fabrics in the one quilt✔️ ultra scrappy mix of old and new AMH fabrics✔️ mod 'cone flower' quilting✔️ scrappy backing✔️ stripey binding✔️

'garden party' quilt details:
Maker: moi
Pattern: 'checkered garden' pattern from Ashley @ filminthefridge (it’s free)
Fabric: I was able to use lots of little bits from my entire AMH stash. I worked block by block, as I had decided to set myself the creative challenge of choosing colours for each block as I went. I’m super happy with this mishmash of bright fabrics, and I really tried not to be too matchy-matchy. 
I love the unifying element of the pink and cream/white corners to each block. 
Backing: I used a scrappy mix of leftovers #partyinthequiltback!
Quilting: Leeanne from quiltmekiwi quilted it with an edge-to-edge panto called 'cone flower' - which looks super!
Binding: even though my quilt was heavy with the busy bright colours, I felt that this two-toned blue stripe binding from my stash would give just the right amount of contrast & balance.
Quilt measurements: 56" x 56"


  1. How beautifully this blends with your spring garden peonies. I love the binding fabric too, a great choice.

  2. Of course, the title of your blog post would get me to mentally hearing Ricky Nelson sing "Garden Party." :-) But your quilt sure stirs up a visual image of a flower garden! Very pretty colors, and your quilting motif ensures there's no doubt about the theme going on here. It's lovely! Will you be putting it on a bed?

  3. I am enjoying all the colour and the stripey binding.
    The coneflower quilting is stunning!


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