Where there's lots started... and even a few finishes!

Saturday 19 October 2024

exploring the fussy-cut world

I wanted to explore the fussy-cut world just a little bit more and when I spotted Jodi @talesofcloth 'rosemary' quilt recently I decided to give it a go. The simple big rectangles appealed to me, perfect for the large-scale prints in my stash, and there's only a smattering of nine EPP flowers to add a delightful little handmade touch. 
Disclaimer: I like switching to slow stitching every now and again, I just never seem to actually finish anything!

Fabric choices took up most of my time this weekend, the fun part! One thing I noticed about *Jodi's quilt was that there's a cohesiveness in her colour and tonal choices, it's light, and reminds me of Spring. With all this in mind, I started out with a teal & pink combo using some of my favourite florals and went from there.  

here's a few planning pics from down on the design floor ...

*Jodi's quilt on the left & a selection of teals from my stash

Now that my colours make me happy, 
it's time to tackle the EPP - yes, the bit I've been avoiding!
Hopefully, this little experiment will be perfect for me & I'll end up with a finished project.

Oh, and I'd love to hear your ideas for using the fabric "lacy leftovers" after fussy cutting


  1. the one thing about fussy cutting is the fabric it leaves behind - holes all over a piece of fabric and then need to cut it up in pieces to use it

  2. This new quilt is going to be gorgeous, very summery. I've never tried EPP, but it sounds quite complex. Have fun!

  3. Those EPP blocks add a touch of class to the quilt, very cute!

  4. Making you own flowers and stitching them on to add to all those beautiful colors, exciting!

  5. You have been having a lovely time with all those gorgeous fabrics. They all work so well together. Great work with the fussy cutting.

  6. I like this design of simple patchwork with EPP flowers added. This is going to be pretty!


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Happy sewing!