Where there's lots started... and even a few finishes!

Wednesday 9 October 2024

unfolding slowly


I’m loving how this is turning out. And it's fun making these fussy-cut blocks, a little break from my usual. My initial inspiration was a sweet vintage quilt (see this post back here), and then I downloaded AMH's pattern for a 12" LeMoyne Star - oh my, the accompanying digital imaginary quilt was an explosion of colour and sew full of fussy cutting ideas! 

After a little quite a bit of faffing around, I had a wee 'light bulb' moment and realised that lots of my Anna Maria Horner prints - ones with a repeating strong, vertical design structure - were perfect for fussy cutting my diamonds without having to overthink things. I feel like no matter where I choose to cut, I'm always amazed with the new look I get from the repeats. And am super happy, of course, to be cutting into some more of the AMH fabric I’ve been hoarding #usethegoodfabric.

For enquiring minds yes, I'm machine piecing these blocks. I've cut my setting peach triangles & squares slightly larger to ensure accuracy, and I had a nice little rhythm happening with those in-set corners. 

While I love the bold & bright version, I wanted my quilt to actually have more of the vintage vibe like the inspiration quilt. So, I decided the Anna Maria Horner peach/pink 'Cathedral' print would be my unifying element, and I'm using it for the sashing & borders. I'm also repeating a couple of other fabrics in different colourways, to help with a calmer & more cohesive look.  

things have been unfolding slowly ... happily ...and as mr D. was at golf today, I kept sewing ...et voilà ...



  1. The fussy cutting is paying off, these stars are beautiful!

  2. your fussy cutting went really great. I have a few of AMH's pieces too I need to take a second look at them

  3. Your quilt top is beautiful especially in the sunshine photo!

  4. It looks wonderful. I love how the peach print you are using for the sashing and borders just brings everything together. And it unexpectedly calms everything down a little. Which is okay, I think.

  5. That is some impressive fussy cutting. Love how it all comes together colour wise.

  6. So much yummyness in one little quilt, I love this!

  7. Fussy cutting resulting in stunning stars and your choice of the AMH fabric for the sashing - perfect.

  8. These blocks are wonderful and have come together so well as a quilt top.
    What a delightful project.

  9. My goodness! This is a technically exacting quilt. All that fussy-cutting - don't you love the Swiss cheese holes that appear in your pieces of yardage? - and the precision needed to piece these star-shaped blocks... I'm terribly impressed! You do lovely work, and your efforts to keep it vintage-feeling are successful. You're creating a beautiful quilt top!


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Happy sewing!