Where there's lots started... and even a few finishes!

Tuesday 22 October 2024

garden party quilt

This recently finished quilt ticks all the boxes for me…so many of my favourite fabrics in the one quilt✔️ ultra scrappy mix of old and new AMH fabrics✔️ mod 'cone flower' quilting✔️ scrappy backing✔️ stripey binding✔️

'garden party' quilt details:
Maker: moi
Pattern: 'checkered garden' pattern from Ashley @ filminthefridge (it’s free)
Fabric: I was able to use lots of little bits from my entire AMH stash. I worked block by block, as I had decided to set myself the creative challenge of choosing colours for each block as I went. I’m super happy with this mishmash of bright fabrics, and I really tried not to be too matchy-matchy. 
I love the unifying element of the pink and cream/white corners to each block. 
Backing: I used a scrappy mix of leftovers #partyinthequiltback!
Quilting: Leeanne from quiltmekiwi quilted it with an edge-to-edge panto called 'cone flower' - which looks super!
Binding: even though my quilt was heavy with the busy bright colours, I felt that this two-toned blue stripe binding from my stash would give just the right amount of contrast & balance.
Quilt measurements: 56" x 56"

Saturday 19 October 2024

exploring the fussy-cut world

I wanted to explore the fussy-cut world just a little bit more and when I spotted Jodi @talesofcloth 'rosemary' quilt recently I decided to give it a go. The simple big rectangles appealed to me, perfect for the large-scale prints in my stash, and there's only a smattering of nine EPP flowers to add a delightful little handmade touch. 
Disclaimer: I like switching to slow stitching every now and again, I just never seem to actually finish anything!

Fabric choices took up most of my time this weekend, the fun part! One thing I noticed about *Jodi's quilt was that there's a cohesiveness in her colour and tonal choices, it's light, and reminds me of Spring. With all this in mind, I started out with a teal & pink combo using some of my favourite florals and went from there.  

here's a few planning pics from down on the design floor ...

*Jodi's quilt on the left & a selection of teals from my stash

Now that my colours make me happy, 
it's time to tackle the EPP - yes, the bit I've been avoiding!
Hopefully, this little experiment will be perfect for me & I'll end up with a finished project.

Oh, and I'd love to hear your ideas for using the fabric "lacy leftovers" after fussy cutting

Wednesday 9 October 2024

unfolding slowly


I’m loving how this is turning out. And it's fun making these fussy-cut blocks, a little break from my usual. My initial inspiration was a sweet vintage quilt (see this post back here), and then I downloaded AMH's pattern for a 12" LeMoyne Star - oh my, the accompanying digital imaginary quilt was an explosion of colour and sew full of fussy cutting ideas! 

After a little quite a bit of faffing around, I had a wee 'light bulb' moment and realised that lots of my Anna Maria Horner prints - ones with a repeating strong, vertical design structure - were perfect for fussy cutting my diamonds without having to overthink things. I feel like no matter where I choose to cut, I'm always amazed with the new look I get from the repeats. And am super happy, of course, to be cutting into some more of the AMH fabric I’ve been hoarding #usethegoodfabric.

For enquiring minds yes, I'm machine piecing these blocks. I've cut my setting peach triangles & squares slightly larger to ensure accuracy, and I had a nice little rhythm happening with those in-set corners. 

While I love the bold & bright version, I wanted my quilt to actually have more of the vintage vibe like the inspiration quilt. So, I decided the Anna Maria Horner peach/pink 'Cathedral' print would be my unifying element, and I'm using it for the sashing & borders. I'm also repeating a couple of other fabrics in different colourways, to help with a calmer & more cohesive look.  

things have been unfolding slowly ... happily ...and as mr D. was at golf today, I kept sewing ...et voilà ...


Sunday 6 October 2024

back from the LAQ

Now that I have my quilts back from Leeanne at quiltmekiwi 
I'm on another finishing binge!
This weekend I've been busy making a start on adding bindings.

First up, my 'star hollow' quilt in pastels
I love how those fun wonky stars give it just a sprinkle twinkle of organic freedom!

quilt details:

Pattern: a sweet (free) pattern/tutorial Star Hollow Quilt by Jolene of @blueelephantstitches 
Maker: moi
Fabric: For this wonky star🌟 quilt I started out with a bunch of summery delicate florals in various medium shades. I added in other favourite florals from my stash - more Liberties, AGF & Tilda - and I also added a good dose of solids into the mix.
Backing: pieced from pink leftovers
Quilting: E2E straight lines
Binding: a Kaffe multi-stripe in matching pastels 
Quilt measurements: 46" x 54".