Sunday 2 October 2022


And the final in this recent little flurry of finishes... "Wildflowers". It's a scrappy HST quilt from the Heritage Series Quilts - vintage quilt patterns by Penelope Handmade. I started making my HST blocks back in March 2021, you can find a previous post about this quilt here.

I began with a curated bundle of pretty wildflowers, I then added other prints & solids from my stash. I've kept to a limited palette in this scrappy quilt, where the focus is a little play with the gentle variations in value.

For my backing I chose 'New Vintage' by Laura Heine and the quilting was done by Leeanne from quiltmekiwi.  I opted for the Baptist Fan E2E quilting pattern, a real favourite of mine. I love to pair flowing quilting designs with geometric quilt patterns, as I feel like it helps soften up all the straight lines a bit. 
The binding was a lucky stash basket find, a cotton & steel stripe.  Finished quilt measures 58" x 58". 

- a little binding collage showing fabric detail, use & scale

I love taking photos of my quilts, {wink wink} almost as much as I love making my quilts! Once I gift a quilt, it's gone ... so having a photo record here is one way to keep a quilting journal of all my makes. This latest obsession hobby has had me working on improving my photography skills this year! 

We often see quilts flat in photos - I guess to show the whole quilt clearly - but I always think there's nothing better than seeing photos of our quilts being loved & well used too, draped, held, scrunched up and capturing those snuggle moments! 
The grandchildren weren't around to help with the scrunching for me today, but I lovingly crumpled up my quilt for a few last pics ...

Do you take lots of quilt pics too?
Linking up with Kelly for NNT here at myquiltinfatuation

Until next time, 