Some quilts take a bit of time to find their way,
and this is definitely one of those.

Some time ago I began making these tulip blocks inspired by a quilt in Gwen Marston's book, Liberated String Quilts. It's another of my all-time favourite quilting books and includes many photos of old string quilts that are truly amazing!
These string pieced tulips are such a great way to use up some fabric snippets. I've used mainly Anna Maria Horner little leftovers for this, some of her earlier fabrics, with those (everso) useful neutrals as my backgrounds.
After a little research, I decided if I was ever going to finish this, I needed to rethink my sashing & setting choices. (wink wink) Leave something long enough, and I was always bound to change my mind! If you are curious, see back
here for my earlier idea.
I wanted more colour, more warmth, more - everything really! But don't worry, I have plans that involve lots of those pinks & grey up next!
Anyways, this is where I ended up. I've got two more tulips to make from crumb blocks, and then (hopefully) some slow sewing over the weekend to stitch down a few more of my needleturn appliqued tulips.

Quilts, intentions and the ticking of time ... oh my,
this quilt really has had too many fits of sewing planning bursts and lo-o-ong breaks!
I do like where it's heading now.
I made two more little 6" Ohio Star blocks for my scrappy star stitchalong.
12 different fabrics✅
Lots of geometrics✅.
Yay for pink!
17 14 different fabrics✅
and a group photo of my blocks so far ...
And here's a bright pop of colour as we head off into the weekend
- I have a finished quilt to share.
#daylesfordquilt is the perfect one to let your imagination run wild with, it's a sort of "modern utility quilt" I guess. It's a large log cabin style quilt, with a mix of pieced blocks added in with the logs (You can find info for this pattern in Jen's book
here at amitie textiles).
I love the play of colour in this quilt, especially the deep pink & teal combo. I hunted high & low in my sewing baskets for some of my most treasured fabrics for that mood I was looking for palette-wise. So, it's a real mix of fabrics, old & new, designer, florals & geometrics!
I chose a simple panto for the machine quilting by
Cheryl at allthingsbernina, a leaf & vine pattern. The open quilting design, as well as a backing in Tula Pink sateen, results in quite a soft and cuddly quilt.
And I opted for a Kaffe teal/blues stripe for my binding. It was a bit touch & go, I almost didn't have enough! I was getting all ready to send out an SOS to Maureen
at mysticquilter for extra, but I did a bit of creative joining and made it thankfully.
The finished quilt measures 60" x 68".
Have a great weekend and happy sewing