Sunday, 12 April 2015

this week...

It's been a bit quiet here on the blog, just back from a lovely break at the bach down at Waihi! Great weather, lots of walking, not too much cooking, and even managed to get a few maintenance type jobs completed!

And this week, I've been sewing quite a bit! First up, possibly my oldest WiP! {But it's ok, I came across these comforting words by Anna Maria Horner... "Works in progress - even dozens of them - are a good thing! It's life."} I initially posted about this quilt here and yes it's taken a while, but it's now finally finished! It's so good to have it completed! I started making this ages ago, then lost interest when I couldn't find the right binding and put it away. I pulled it out recently, I had forgotten just how lovely and vintage-y it looked! It's a row-by-row assembly and has a great assortment of liberty, linen, textured, & cotton fabrics.

close up of binding, a softly textured old fashioned pink

lots of  little liberties! 

close up of clam shell quilting
by Annette de Raat, Wild Cotton Ltd 

And here's a peek at my design wall this week, more about that soon!
Linking up with 'oh scrap' here - where it's all about sharing scrappy projects each week. 

Hope you have some time this week to be creative too! 


Sew Quilt Designs said...

I love your finished quilt. Those cats look really good too :)

Raewyn said...

The finished quilt is beautiful - those vintage-y colours are lovely - funny how we can become stalled on a lovely project but so nice when we pull it out again to fall in love with it all over again! Interesting peek at your design wall :-)

Maryse said...

I love the colors on that first one, gorgeous!

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Lovely quilt, isn't it a good feeling to finish an old and forgotten project? So worth it getting that one finished. The one on the wall looks interesting.

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

Hurray for getting an older project finished! It really does look lovely and inviting.

And thanks for sharing your scrappy new blocks with Oh Scrap! So inspiring.

Julie said...

Another finish - well done to you. Glad you had a good break away too.

Jasmine said...

Congrats on the finish! It looks so sweet and soft. Makes me want to go quilt.

Jodi said...

I love this! I'm always afraid to mix vintage and modern - I could use some lessons in this regard!