Saturday 23 July 2016

the whole {a WIP}

There is certain amount of leeway when starting out with a scrap quilt...

... no need to think "does this go with that?"
- of course it does!

... no need to measure for the right amount of fabrics
- when I did run out, as you do, I simply substituted something similar

... no need to worry too much about fabric placement either
- the main thing with this 'scrappy trips' is getting some contrast happening

I'm enjoying mixing it all up,
simply focusing on my colour choices, and making my (brave?) fabric combos based on that.
There's little bits of Anna Maria Horner teamed up with my older repros, next to a few Kaffes,
all sitting alongside Denyse S. and many, many others
- the whole really!

There's a little way to go yet, but I love how it's looking up on the design wall so far...

2nd half of the Warriors is on still {yawn} so I'm going to keep on sewing
... luckily I have a Beef Ragout simmering away slowly in the oven!
For the great 'scrappy trips' tutorial I used, check here

Linking up with Cynthia for 'oh scrap' here- where there's lots more scrappy fun happening!
and for show & tell with Lorna over here at sewfreshquilts
and with 'building blocks Tuesday' over here this week at 'Smiles from Kate'


dutchcomfort said...

It’s great to see all sorts of fabrics matching so wonderfully! This will be a gorgeous scrappy quilt!

Karyn said...

Another masterpiece in progress!

Marie said...

Love the colours. This one always looks like a fun one to make.

Kathy S. said...

I have a huge bin of fabrics I marked "ugly". They are loud and don't match things easily. I especially saved them for a liberating scrappy trip. Yes, I love sewing it together and using it up. Your scrappy trip is gorgeous! It will be warm and make somebody happy. Trip along!

Robby said...

This is shaping up nicely! And nothing like having dinner in the oven (or slow cooker) so a gal can keep scrapping.

Rachaeldaisy said...

Scrappy trips are so fun to make. I like the colour palette you are using, even though it's got fun scrappy surprises.

Gemini Jen NZ said...

Always cool to see scrap quilts - you know no-one else will ever have exactly the same quilt, that's what I love about handmade!

Gemini Jen NZ said...

Always cool to see scrap quilts - you know no-one else will ever have exactly the same quilt, that's what I love about handmade!

Mystic Quilter said...

Looking good Linda!! I used the tutorial from Bonnie or my scrappy bargello (still waiting to be quilted). You're so right about scrap quilts, they're magical.

gayle said...

I love it! That's the kind of quilt I like best - anything and everything playing happily together.
Someday I'm going to make a scrappy trips quilt - I hope mine turns out as beautiful as yours!

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Thanks Robby I did wonder - briefly- if I needed to go shopping for more variety :)
But I sorted out my colour combo and am now going wild within those boundaries... and it’s quite surprising just what I can use!
It’s a great scrap buster!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I made my scrappy trip quilt just that way - never worrying about what fabrics I was using, except to have a dark middle "row" to create the shape. I love it that way, and yours is looking beautiful!

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

So much scrappy goodness! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap! I love the fabrics that are finding their way into this quilt.

Nifty Quilts said...

Looks great! The Scrappy Trips method is addicting.

Moneik said...

I love scrappy trips! I'm working on my 2nd one right now and cutting for a 3rd.

Raewyn said...

Yummy quilt, Linda, no scrap is safe in your house!!

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Thank you
Mixed fortune! I usually have some control over my outcomes, but I’m loving what happens when you mix up a wild bunch of scraps like this!

Leeanne said...

Fabulous scrap busting! I like Bonnie Hunter's words "there is no such thing as ugly fabric, you just haven't cut it small enough!"

Paige said...

Love the pops of blue and turquoise! I need to add Scrappy Trip to my quilty bucket list!

Vanni said...

Looking wonderful!

Kate @ Smiles From Kate said...

You have some lovely fabrics in your quilt, it looks a real labour of love, beautiful. Thank you for linking up to Building Blocks Tuesday.

Kaja said...

Nothing beats a great scrappy quilt! I really, really like the colours you have going on in this one.