And now onto the quilty pics... This weekend, after catching up with holiday washing, I managed to get my strippy triangles quilt top all together! Super happy with this whispery pale palette.
Finished quilt top measures 62" x 56". Next decision- to border or not to border? And I may have had a few fabrics jump into my shopping cart a week or so ago, and they arrived today.
These Kaffe 'shiraz' stripes will be very useful I'm sure.
I had a few books here to read this month, but only managed to read one ... The Tilt by Chris Hammer. I've been having a run of Australian fiction and loving all of them! Things here "down under" may seem the same and yet they are not... we do share the same language, but there are many unfamiliar words, and they seem to live outdoors so much more, because of course the country is huge, with wild and unpopulated areas.
This is a super small-town novel, with a complex mystery which takes you through time to solve a decades old murder - with multiple narratives and timelines that leave you trying to work out how everything ties up... and it was just utterly immersive!
Love to hear your comments if you've read any of the others.
Super finish with the triangles Linda, it's looking beautiful.
No doubt you'll be feeling recharged after your holiday, glad to read that you had a great time.
Oh I do love a good triangle quilt - it is lovely. Am currently listening to The Exiles on audio book - brilliant! I'm a kiwi but I really enjoy the Aussie authors too. Have a great week!
How lovely to have a get-away to Brisbane! I adore Australia with it's many natural beauties and lovely people, so I understand not wanting to return home! How nice to have a pretty, completed quilt top. Those soft colors are very attractive. As for books, I've read two of those you listed. "Dirt Creek" was great! I gave it a 4.4/5.0. I gave 4.1/5.0 to "Exiles." I think Australian authors, in general, write well. Though I know I'm always attracted to those books because of the story locations and getting to listen to an Aussie narrator! I'm sorry to say though that I did a search for Chris Hammer titles, and none are available to me through the public library.
Brisbane and Mooloolaba would have been lovely, I bet! I love that area of Queensland and have had some wonderful holidays there myself. The triangles quilt is so pretty! I know I've said it before, but you make THE best quilts! This is just another one I'd like to make! And we must have similar tastes in authors and reading too. I've read all those on your latest list BUT I did not finish The Registrar. I listened to some of the audio book but it felt a bit pedestrian and hackneyed to me.... a bit like a student diary. I loved The Tilt- I thought that was Hammer's best! I hope the holiday laundry is done and you can get back to what you love soon!
By looking at the photos, you sure had a great holiday! Look at that yummy food! Your triangle quilt is fabulous Linda! Love it! Haven't read any of the books, thanks for the recommendation!
Glad you had a good time on vacation. You've made a lovely quilt. I would audition some possible borders and let it tell you if it really needs one. I checked my local library for Chris Hammer books but we don't have any of them. It sounded interesting. On the other hand, I have a long list of books I would like to read. Some weeks I'm piecing and quilting most of the time and sometimes reading keeps me going.
I like the pattern with hsts - very fun
I'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed your trip! Thanks for sharing the pictures - sounds like it was beautiful there. Your triangle quilt top is so pretty! I always love seeing your color and fabric choices.
Your vacation looks like it was wonderful, especially the FOOD pictures! And I'm excited about your triangles all coming together, looking lovely as they do.
You called this palette 'whispery pale', but I'm loving the strong pops of color you added in! So, so pretty. Great that you were able to have a good, long vacation too.:)
I am pleased you had a great time away. I agree, it is never enough time no matter how long you stay.
Your quilt top is looking lovely. Always gorgeous colour combos.
Enjoy your book reading. I have read all of the books by both Chris Hammer and Jane Harper and have enjoyed every one of them.
Yes, we all have English as a language but then we have fun changing use and meanings. Our son who lives in the states was asking me about words used in one of Jane Harper's books. He noticed the text he was reading in the US had words that he wouldn't have used here in Australia. Looks like the text was changed for US readership. ( Cell phones, pick up truck )
It's so good you had such a great holiday, Linda. And nice that you have a finished quilt top already, too - it really is lovely, and I wonder what you decided regarding borders? Interesting to see your list of book titles. I too enjoy Australian authors...have only just discovered Chris Hammer as a Christmas gift and will definitely look up more of his work. Have loved Jane Harper so far but haven't read Exiles yet - a friend who was mid-way through thought it was a little slow but I haven't found out what she thought of it at the end!
Glad you had such a lovely time in Australia. Loving your hst quilt.
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