Saturday, 25 January 2025

vintage diamonds in scrappy brights

Like many, I enjoy making a quilt "look" like a scrappy quilt, and this latest WiP is the perfect example. I used one 10" layer cake Firefly by Sarah Watts RRS as my starting point, and then I'm adding contrasting & blending bits & bobs from my stash into the mix to add more variety & interest. 

I sourced the 'vintage diamonds' quilt pattern @theowlhutch, pattern link and quilt inspiration from Jolene @ blueelephantstitches (if you haven't stopped by her blog yet, it's so well worth a visit). My focus is to try and capture some of her ‘vintage vibe’ and yet still be reflective of my stash here.

I must admit, it's been a while since I cut 60° diamonds, so I faffed around a bit ... Mr D was quick to chip in here & commented "how can you make all these quilts and NOT remember how to make a 60° diamond?"  We-l-l-l- I'm putting it down to a wee senior moment😕 

Anyways, I quickly found my rhythm, 
here's a few progress pics ...

ta da! almost half a quilt ...

And a couple of excellent tips I learnt from Rachel @stitchedincolor - first up, to making a scrappy quilt like this fun, yet not visually overwhelming, is to create long strings of same (or nearly same) diamonds/flying geese/or whatever. She also suggests adding a couple high-contrast units too, such as the black with raspberry, which also cleverly helps emphasise the vertical directionality.

I will need to lay all my pieces out on the design wall first as the rows are joined together diagonally ...
I may be sometime ... but I'm loving how things are looking so far for my scrappy quilt #2. 



dutchcomfort said...

it's really beautiful! What I love about diamond qults is that you constantly can see bigger and bigger diamond shapes!

MissPat said...

An interesting design, but all those bias edges make me shutter. Looking forward to seeing the final layout.

Janie said...

There's some scrappy brights happening here, lovely. And it's good to stretch the memory and get up and running again!