Friday, 13 December 2019

from vintage to modern

Hello, hello
I’m a great believer that you should strike when the inspiration hits you, are you too?
{Even if you have 2+ other quilts in the works!}

I've had Jo's pattern, "Esplanade" quilt for a while now, purchased online from frankieandray's. It's a fresh modern take on the traditional courthouse step block. I've been slowly collecting an assortment of fabrics that could work.
This week's impulse sewing all started while I was searching for a particular fabric recently, and this delightful one caught my eye - a 1/2 metre of 'sweet dreams source code' in spark by Anna Maria Horner.

Using this fabric as my starting point, I faffed around sorting my collected fabrics, discarding ones that really glared and adding in others. It's not my usual bright & bold colour, more restrained, more greyish blue & soft greens, with lots of interesting low volumes.
The biggest hurdle for me has been finding big enough amounts of the neutral fabrics for those large sections inbetween the courthouse steps blocks. To give you an idea of size, the finished quilt measures 75.5" x 75.5" (1.92m x 1.92m).

Here's a few progress photos . . .

It's a quick machine project - perfect for this time of the year, when time to sew is minimal. There are five rows in total, only two more rows to go! 

Linking up with Alycia for 'finished {or not} Friday' over here and with Wendy for this weekend's 'peacock party' here and with Cynthia too for 'oh scrap' here. Have a great weekend, Linda


Jolene said...

stunning! Love yor fabric choices...

Suz J said...

This must be large scale... it looks humongous on the bed already. Although it is handy to have a large quick go to project when you need something in a hurry. I love how the first block looks like a bouquet of flowers... not sure how you achieved that but well done 🌻🌻

Cathy said...

I always love your selection of fabrics and the touches of gingham. Yes, I believe in striking when inspiration hits. Unfortunately I've been getting a little bruised with all that inspiration hitting me lately!

Ann said...

What fun you are having playing with your fabrics. That always makes a happy day for me.

Leeanne said...

This quilt has eclectic appeal.

Wendy @ Wendysquiltsandmore said...

Only two more quilts on the go? I have about 10 quilts in progress and I find that I actually work better when I can give things a break and work on something else. Thank you for linking up to the Peacock Party.

Linda said...

You always make fabulous color and pattern choices. I love the Outback Wife fabric.

Quiltdivajulie said...

This one has been on my radar -- thanks for sharing it as a WIP. Wonderful mix of fabrics that you faffed (love that word) together.

audrey said...

That first rose fabric is fabulous! This is turning out so well. I always enjoy where your spark of inspiration takes you!:)

Mystic Quilter said...

Nice pattern Linda and beautiful fabric choices. Your starting point fabric is a favourite of mine, every colour of the rainbow in this one.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Oh sew much fun!!! I agree - work when the inspiration strikes - and who knows how much fun you will have!

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Hi Alycia, Yes, it’s a fun, quick machine pattern and the modern colours make me happy! Sort of vintage but not, sort of modern but not!
And, its b.i.g. which is always a + in this family. {My daughter is always going on at me that I don’t make my quilts big enough!}
Merry Christmas and happy holidays, Linda

LA Paylor said...

me too... follow the muse into new territory. I like the fabric blending you're doing