Thursday 6 June 2024

Linda's checkered garden

I decided to take an hour or three and do something I was excited to start and
... I'm so glad I did

My latest work-in-progress was inspired by the images of a quilt that Dana & Marilyn shared on their Instagram posts. The 'Checkered Garden' quilt is a well written, easy to follow free tutorial from Ashley @ filminthefridge

I'm using lots of little bits from my entire AMH stash. I’m super happy with the mishmash of bright fabrics. 
I know it’s not for everyone, but I do love a scrappy quilt. 

I decided the two “rules” I would stick to would be -
a. to include a few pale prints to give some breathing space amongst my florals 
and b. to alternate my blocks with either soft pink or a light value for the corner squares for some uniformity.

and then a day later, there were nine ...

I'm really enjoying making these 14" blocks… excited for the next group!


Karen S said...

I have missed catching up with your posts. Great to be back to see these gorgeous blocks. Love the fabrics as always!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Those are great blocks! I always love your color combinations, Linda. I was looking closely at some of the blocks and saw something that's in my stash - the pink with yellow birds! It's really pretty with that bronze background, too.

Janie said...

Good progress and exciting design possibilities. 'Two rules' that helps to focus doesn't it?

FlourishingPalms said...

Oh yes. This is so "you!" No doubt your name was written across the quilt design. :-) Great colors, Linda. Just plain fun to look at.