Saturday 1 April 2017

a new linky party

Hello, hello
Julie from JulieLou and I decided that we needed a regular mid-week link up to share WiPS and finishes.
So we have created Sew, Stitch, Snap SHARE - basically sew and stitch each week, snap a photo or three, and share it to our link which we will co-host on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month. You can write as much or as little about your project as you like, or simply let your photos do the talking.

We both differ in our quilting styles however we both love writing and reading blogs, and don't want them to disappear for the quicker more instant options of showing photos off.

Julie loves colour, bold prints and EPP. She also likes to do a lot of hand quilting and is currently dabbling in felt applique and embroidery . . . as well as cooking and baking mouthwatering food. Check out her blog if you haven't already.
And my style is . . . well, lots of colour too, with a nod to traditional and vintage design. I'm always looking for ways to use up my precious scrappy pieces, I tend to jump from one project to another, and I love an eclectic mix of modern, florals, vintage and plaids.

We hope that you will take the time to pop back on Wednesday 12 April, read some new posts, make some new blog friends - and linkup what ever you have sewn or stitched during the week, snap a photo, and share to our linky.

In the meantime, I'm still slowly working through the colour placement on this new quilt, 
Kaffe's 'Ebay on Point' from his  Caravan of Quilts book . . .

I have reshuffled quite a few fabrics around over the week,
and I've been busy sewing lots of HST's

While individual fabrics are pretty, I think the focus with this is on the columns of colour and achieving some contrast. And yes, it is scrappy, however I'm finding that repetition is certainly the key to providing some balance here. I also think the odd unpredictable piece thrown in is quirky and wonderful too.

I now have quite a bit of it up on my design wall, and I think I am ready to start putting some of it together. Not an easy task though, as I have to stand up on my sewing chair and take one diagonal row down at a time, it'll be a bit of a workout I guess. Just hope I keep things in the right order for sewing. Let the piecing begin  . . .

How about you, any sewing plans this weekend?
See you back here or over at Julie's on Wednesday 12 April to share a little quilty love.


Marie said...

I think your linky party is a wonderful idea as I also hang on to the hope that blogs do not go the way of the Dodo - I love reading them!

Karyn said...

Nice one. I still enjoy reading blogs. I rarely update mine because I haven't done much/any sewing since the Xmas hols.

Lisa said...

What a great idea; I've been feeling a bit sad that blogs seem to be declining of late because they as such a great way to connect. Thanks ladies.

Nancy said...

I hope I can remember to link to your new linky party. I love what you're doing with the squares and half square triangles, Linda. This will be a fabulous quilt.

Julie said...

Now it's real for us Linda!!

Mystic Quilter said...

At the risk of repeating what I've just written to Julie - great idea from the two of you!! Posting and photographing whatever we're busy with at the time of the link-up whether modern, traditional and so on.

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Thanx Lisa. So many seemed to have stopped blogging lately, but I love reading other blogs, writing, and yes, it sure is a great way to connect with others.

Jan @Cocoa Quilts said...

Linda, I'l be there for the linkies. I too am glad that the blogs are still around. I enjoy the details they provide. IG is nice but it is just a quick glance. IG is like the newspaper headlines. A blog is the real story in all it's details.

SandraC said...

Sounds like a plan!....I'll put it on the calendar!

Kaja said...

Great idea, Linda. I love blogs too so anything that helps keep people posting and sharing is good in my book.

dutchcomfort said...

A great initiative Linda and Julie!

Raewyn said...

Great idea ladies, I am happy to join in with anything that keeps the love of blogging alive - it still is my preferred social-media platform! Your on-Point quilt is looking great - it looks like you are having a happy play time there!

Ann said...

Oh, good. Reading blogs is so much more enjoyable than merely looking at photos.

Kate said...

Sounds like a very fun linky. Pictures are fun, but I enjoy hearing more about the why and how of a project. Your Ebay on Point is coming along beautifully. Love all the rich colors.

Rachaeldaisy said...

I love your new project, a perfect balance of scrappy and repetition Your link sounds fun, I'm hopeless at joining in linky parties but it's fun seeing others get into the fun of it.

pandchintz said...

Great idea for a linky party - hope I remember ! Loving your project.

Maryse said...

I like the part that says: "You can write as much or as little about your project as you like, or simply let your photos do the talking."

All the best to both of you, I haven't blogged in a while but will keep this in mind.

Kate @ Smiles From Kate said...

I love link ups, I meet the nicest of people.