Sunday 15 September 2024

a weekend of planning

I've been busy this weekend ... planning a new quilt ... yep, another one! 
I’ve also been binge watching the latest series of *Bridgerton and wanted my palette to reflect those soft blues & pastel Bridgerton vibes. Anyone else a Bridgerton fan too?

I decided to jump right in and use a newly release pattern, the 'Marjorie' quilt from Jennifer at penelopehandmade. It's a variation of the traditional 'dutchman's puzzle' block, with classic/vintage vibes that I just love. The pattern has instructions for both a limited palette and a scrappy version. 

I had a little play to try and replicate my chosen colours in PreQuilt (digital colouring pages) - it's first time I've done this. Lots of fun selecting options & tweaking colours, and after some time I finally settled on a plan, something that ended up slightly different from my inspiration pic, but something that could work for me and my fabrics here. 

Here's my fabric pull so far ...

My (final) PreQuilt design and the *Bridgerton inspiration pic from *Reddit ...

and my trial block ...

I’m definitely on team scrappy but must admit, I'm super happy with how the pink center pinwheel and background triangles give some cohesion to this 1st block.  
Looks like another HST quilt is underway, not my most favourite units to trim but I do love how they look.

Until next time, Linda

Monday 9 September 2024

sawtooth stars remix

It struck me this weekend that while being so focused lately on using-the-stash, I still had quite a few fabrics that I never seem to actually use, ones that felt too bold, too multi-coloured, and/or too tricky to mix. 
So, this started out as a few experimental blocks up on the design wall, testing a mix of pinks, purples, blues from stash. "Good colours" was Mr D's comment as he passed the sewing room. 
It's a mix of AMH fabrics with a selection of Alison Glass & other blenders, crazy busy and all over the place (but quietly thoroughly thought out!).

It’s fun playing with all the scrappy possibilities, 
and I may have just found the. perfect. border!
