Sunday 5 November 2023

Bramble Blooms QAL

/ˈbrambl/ noun
prickly scrambling shrub of the rose family, especially a blackberry.

Another QAL? I've got heaps to do around here already but ... Audrey from Quilty Folk has recently started an informal improv style quilt-along, Bramble Blooms. I've long admired her approach to quilting; her quilts are unique and delightfully whimsical. 
Sew, what a great improv learning opportunity!

The first step was to sort out fabrics, with the focus predominantly on choosing older fabrics in my stash. This step took me some time. 
I ended up with lots of brown & greens which I rarely use - guess that's why they were all still sitting here in my baskets (wink wink).   It'll be fun working on something a little different from my norm and hopefully, the old and odd fabric combinations in this do not automatically spoil the quilt.

This bundle is The. Perfect. jumping off point for this new project. 

Next up, I needed to make a background for my centrepiece. I do like a mix of white & creams - a combo guaranteed to bounce off one another, adding depth & sparkly interest. That was the easy step!

And now for the fun trickier part ... free style applique. A while back I created an art vignette, chopping up fabrics and laying them down for some raw edged appliqué. It took quite a bit of time and is now quite densely stitched. I love how just a bit of embroidery gives the flowers so much dimension.  
However, after all the work, I never actually found a use for it. 

I decided to cut it up, rearrange things, and try and use this as my centrepiece. 
What better home for it than in an Audrey inspired quilt! 

I had a few ideas on how I could make it work, here's where I ended up today ...

I found this old small piece of silky peach, it's perfect teamed up with an early AMH stripe for the basket elements. Hm-m-m- but but but - a basket block was so not on my radar!

... never mind, it may all change again tomorrow!


audrey said...

Oh I love this already! Way to go, incorporating an older project into the mix. If you keep it, that is.:)

Mystic Quilter said...

Nice fabric mix Linda and love your applique piece.

Mystic Quilter said...

You made a quick start here Linda - lovely.

Linda said...

This looks a fabulous start, Linda! Love the way you chopped up your embroidery piece and rearranged it.

Gretchen Weaver said...

This looks really nice and totally embraces the whole idea of improv! Happy stitching!

FlourishingPalms said...

Ah yes! Looking great! You're the third blogger I follow who's participating in this along. What a great stash you have to pull from. I do not, so I'll be watching your progress. Your center medallion is striking, and will be a great centerpiece.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

looks great!

Julierose said...

Oh I like this a lot!! Nice use of an older is so pretty !
I am still in the "sketching phase I will be trying to get my templates done...
What a fun project!! Hugs, Julierose

Marie said...

Just wonderful! I'm living vicariously through everyone that's joined this sew along - just don't have the head space right now - but hopefully some day soon can go back and revisit all the steps in the process as I love watching Audrey's quilts come together.

Robin said...

Great idea and great progress. It's like what the George Peppard character in A TEAM used to say; "I love it when a plan comes together!"

Quilting Babcia said...

I think you've "nailed it" with that gorgeous applique collage for your center panel! I remember when you posted about working on it. Isn't it lovely to have a ready-made improv all ready to add to this first Bramble, and it is uniquely you!

pandchintz said...

Such a great start Linda!

Raewyn said...

What a fun QAL and I love what you've done so far. I hope you continue to enjoy it!

Jolene said...

This is going to be so great, I just know it!

Katie said...

This is amazing! I love your starting pull, but the applique is beautiful and the basket? So inspiring.

Rebecca in AK said...

Oh wow! That is just fantastic for you floral center!

Janie said...

Your freestyle centerpiece is fabulous, believe me I'm taking notes!
Thanks for sharing!

Quiltdivajulie said...

What makes me the happiest about this QAL is how marvelously different each quilt is going to be. Each maker's personality is already showing, even in these early posts. I think your rescued stitched piece is beautiful (saving that idea for my future).

Cathy said...

Well, I always love your fabric combinations so this time is no exception. And what a neat idea for the center piece!

Ann said...

I love how you incorporate a leftover project into this QAL. So lovely. I want to start on this QAL soon… after I finish the jacket.

Nancy said...

What fun! And what a great idea. I love your bright, happy colors. Looking forward to seeing your center when stitched.

Paulette said...

Brilliant! I love your idea of repurposing a former project in this one. Looks great!