Hello again
This week Julie & I thought we'd start with a question: What's in a name?
Do you ever wonder how or why someone chooses a blog name?
Kokaquilts . . . now why did I use that?
Well, there's two reasons for my choice here. One of the first words my grandaughter Olive learnt to say was "koka" which is Croatian for chicken - hehe nothing at all to do with sewing I know, just being sentimental. Her nonna had chickens running around their back garden and Olive used to run around after them, calling out "koka, koka" - a capivating sight that's for sure.
And the other reason? The Maori language is one of three official languages here in New Zealand, the other two being English and New Zealand Sign Language. In Maori 'koka' means 'mother' so I figured that could be a fitting description for me too - as in 'mumquilts' and cooks and cleans and laughs and plays!Ok I'm wondering, what is the significance of your blog name? Just leave a friendly comment, we'd love to hear from you.
Time now for another fortnightly 'Sew, Stitch, Snap, SHARE' linkup
There were lots of inspiring projects from our last link up. My pick this time was the WiP Julie from quiltdivajulie has been working on currently.
She is up cycling her husband's shirts to make his retirement quilt, loving her restrained colour palette with this. AND it's going to be two sided - do pop on over to her blog here to read more about it and to see lots more . . . her posts are bursting with inspiration!
She is up cycling her husband's shirts to make his retirement quilt, loving her restrained colour palette with this. AND it's going to be two sided - do pop on over to her blog here to read more about it and to see lots more . . . her posts are bursting with inspiration!
It is a bit of a fiddly block, but I think that's what is keeping me so interested. And, as with most things, the more I make, the easier they do get. I think I need about 35 altogether.
Loving this pattern by @judynewman, it's featured in her new book, along with many more very tempting quilts.
and a little block combo . . .
And what are you working on right now?
Whatever you're sewing or stitching, you can link it up here.
2. Somewhere in your post, please link back to this post.
Thanks for joining us again, we can't wait to see what you have all been creating
Oh, and we'd also love you to share with us the reason for your blog title
Julie & Linda
Oh, and we'd also love you to share with us the reason for your blog title
Julie & Linda
Your blocks are so inspiring! I keep drooling over them.:) So interesting to read how your quilt blog name came about! I had wondered what it meant. Love Julie's shirting quilt so much. Excellent idea to keep in mind when my husband ditches those shirts!
Lovely Whimsy blocks, the name of the blocks is fabulous! Julie's idea for her husbands shirts is a super one, I have a collection of my husbands too and I would also love his tie collection :-) The meaning of your blog name is very sweet, it's nice to have something that means something. For mine to be honest "Quiltme" popped into my head, but with a naughty sort of cuss vibe about it........naughty I know, but when I went use Quiltme it was already taken so I thought "Quiltmekiwi" was even better.........I am a long arm quilter who is a 'kiwi' it seemed more fitting somehow. Thanks again to you and Julie. xx Happy blog hopping!
I love those Whimsy blocks! I must see if I can find a copy of that book to preview. I have made another of Judy's designs and even took a class with her once.
I love the significance of your blog name. It's very clever! For mine I wanted a catchy title. I love words and how they can spark ideas etc in people's minds. So I liked how the word 'work' in Patchwork contrasted with the word 'play'. On my blog, I also include some posts about my holidays and other 'playtime' activities!
love your explanation of your blog name - mine is not real original but I did have it before some others started to use - I have been blogging 10 years now under Quilts..etc - mainly about quilts with other stuff thrown in.
Loving your fussy cuts in those whimsy centres, I always wondered what the 'Koka" meant too.
Love your flowery blocks! My first blog was called ‘devliegendekoe’ wich means something like theflyingcow. The name came from my love for everything cowish. I changed the name of my blog when I changed from blogger to Wordpress. The name of my current blog dutch comfort was chosen because I’m Dutch and I hope to bring some comfort with my blog. I understood that there‘s also a negative meaning to the words Dutch Comfort. So.. I’m curious what you think when reading my blogname ;-)
Thanks for the shout out for DH's retirement quilt - I've linked the finished top/back post today. As far as my blog name - I started working part time in the office of a LQS shortly after I started making quilts and about the same time as Amy Bradley's quilt diva character became popular. The others in the shop nicknamed me quilt diva because I was utterly obsessed with the process and when I started blogging, I just went with it. LOVING your whimsy blocks!
I love those whimsy blocks, and am struggling not to drop everything and make some of my own!
My blogname is the nym I used playing online games many years ago - taken from a song by a band I liked. When I started my blog, I couldn't think of a name to call it, so just went with the easy choice. That's been me for about 20 years now. (There's someone using the name on Twitter who is NOT ME. I am not now, nor have I ever been, a tweeter.)
You are certainly a good ad for Judy Newman's book!
Thanks for explaining your blog name. How interesting.
Mine? Sometimes I feel Sane, sometimes Crazy, sometimes I just plain feel Crumby! (Actually, I've made Crazy quilts, and I guess then Sane is the opposite of Crazy and so I've made those types of quilts too and I like to make quilts from Crumbs). Crazy, huh?
Hi Linda, glad to finally link up to your party. I've enjoyed reading your blog, conversing with you and of course admiring your work. My blog name is an offshoot of the word handmade and the response/explanation of something I made. I'm looking forward to future link-ups.
I love the story of your blog name. What a great idea. The name of my blog is pretty much the order of my to-do list every day. It is not very often that I get to the housework chores :) Life is too darn short!
I'm not a fan of blue but I love the calm blues of your first quilt. And, of course, your whimsy blocks are delightful!
Oh lovely fussy cutting Linda - your blocks are looking beautiful. Nice story of how you chose the name for your blog - I forgot to write anything about mine!
My blog is called koshka2quilts. We had a wonderful cat called Koshka - so named because as a family we couldn't agree with a name for him so I said we shall just have to call him Cat. Then I had a brainwave-my niece speaks Russian and as it was her idea that we had a cat I asked her the Russian word for Cat and it is Koshka. You will see a photo of him at the top of my blog.
Thank you for answering that question.....and loving your blocks!
So interesting to hear how you got your name. I thought it was a New Zealand word and I love the story of your granddaughter chasing the chickens around.
I'm just getting caught up on my blog reading this morning, and came across this post of yours! I love the story of how you chose your blog name, Linda! Fun! I am Little Penguin Quilts because of a wall-hanging I made and happened to be looking at when I was starting my blog. There's a picture of it in my blog header. I also love your whimsy blocks - they are wonderful with the fussy cut flowers in the center!
Linda, thanks for the linkup! I added "sew stitch snap share" to the alpha order when I added my blog to your party, but since you asked so sweetly, I also put you guys on the Wednesday links. Hopefully a few folks will find you!
Fleur de lis represents the French culture, which my parents (both French) were quite proud of. Because of their French pride, I named my quilt studio, Fleur de Lis Quilts years before fleur de lis items became popular. When I started the blog and my etsy shop, it made sense to use the name. I almost changed it when everyone was screaming for fleur de lis jewelry and decor, mostly because people thought that I had jumped on the opportunity. Eventually I decided to keep the name and wait out the fad, which has moved on. However, my studio, work, sales (all of it) still have the name Fleur de Lis Quilts and Accessories. Unfortunately, both of my parents have passed away, so now this is just a little part of who they were, especially my mom and grandmother who taught me to sew and quilt.
I loved reading about your blog name. So special, and full of family significance!
Thanks for taking the time to add to this conversation on names for our blogs.
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